Explore the commercial imprint of President Jokowi Jokowi

Kaesang Pangarep's affairs –The friends of the entrepreneur, Kaesang Pangarep, the youngest son of President Joko Widodo, is a figure known as a young businessman with various companies who have attracted attention. Kaesang has chosen the business world as a field of creativity and innovation. With a relaxed but serious style, Kaesang managed to build his corporate empire from zero, using his intelligence in digital marketing and the ability to read orientewalk.
Friends of entrepreneurship below are certain companies that have been cultivated by Kaesang Pangarep, from the culinary to investment in various fields of activity.
1. Banana
One of the companies that first catapulted Kaesang's name in the world of entrepreneurship was banana. This company began in 2017 and focused on processed banana products, in particular banana nuggets. This idea appeared when Kaesang saw the high demand for snacks made from bananas among young people.


Banana has managed to draw attention with a creative brand and interesting packaging. With the concept of franchises, the banana developed quickly and opened dozens of outlets in various cities in Indonesia. In fact, bananas also entered international markets like Malaysia.
The success of this company cannot be separated from the use of social media as a marketing tool. Kaesang, who is active on various platforms such as Instagram and Youtube, has managed to effectively take advantage of its influence to promote bananas.
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After success with his banana business, Kaesang watched the current coffee market boomingIn Indonesia. In 2019, he launched Livestock, a contemporary coffee company with a concept targeting young people. Name Cattle What is unique is the main attraction, reflecting the typical style of Kaesang which is creative and relaxed.
CattleTransporting the concept of modern coffee at an affordable price. One of the success strategies Cattleis the use of the concept grasp and leaveWhere customers can buy coffee quickly without having to linger in the coffee.
Not only does the sale of coffee, but livestock also provides a variety of snacks to accompany drinks, such as toast and other snacks. With strong digital marketing and sustainable innovation, CattleOpened outlets in various major cities of Indonesia.
3 and 3
In 2019, Kaesang collaborated with chef Arnold Poernomo and Gibran Rakabuming to open a new culinary business called My Bowl. This restaurant serves a popular bowl rice menu among the young generation. The pillar menu of my bowl is rice with a wide selection of accompaniment dishes, such as chili sauce, beef and various other fillings.
My bowl managed to draw attention with guaranteed quality and modern packaging quality. Draft grasp and leave Also applied here, which allows customers to enjoy practical dishes more easily with the taste of restaurants.
The success of my bowl is also supported by creative promotional strategies via social media. By cooperating with influencers and using contemporary culinary trends, my bowl is able to develop rapidly in the midst of fierce market competition.
4. Chicken
Not stopping there, in 2020, Kaesang again launched another culinary business with a chicken name. This company focuses on the Geprek Chicken menu which has become a favorite food in various circles. The chicken offers a variety of geprek chicken with spice which can be chosen by customers.
The unique character of the chicken lies in the variation in chile sauce and the practical fast food concept. Kaesang saw an excellent opportunity on the Geprek chicken market which continued to develop and managed to use it well. Like other companies, chickens are also implementing digital marketing strategies to reach a wider market.
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5. Wait mas
In addition to food activity and drinks, Kaesang also plunged into the catering sector with a ready brand. This company targets the customer segment which requires large amounts of food for special events such as weddings, parties or office events.
Ready to offer a variety of catering packages with varied menus and competitive prices. The success of this company lies in professional services and maintained the quality of food. Kaesang uses its sales network to market the market for various groups.
6. Camp Enigma
Apart from the culinary field, Kaesang is also interested in the world of technology. One of its companies in this area is Enigma Camp, a computer training institution aims to produce quality digital talents in Indonesia. Enigma Camp offers intensive training programs in the field of information technology, such as programming, development of applications and other digital expertise.
With the growing need for work in the IT, Enigma Camp is there to meet this challenge and help companies obtain quality human resources. Kaesang has shown its concern for the development of technology in Indonesia through this business.
Hombimpa Games is a business game belonging to Kaesang Pangarep who focused on development and publishing game Local quality. Founded to support Indonesian creators, Hommpimpa Games Presentation of creative content with the nuances of the typical culture of the archipelago. As editor And store Solo, Hompeimpa Games published various board gameIndonesian original like Math Cat, The Art of Batik and other titles that raise local wisdom.
The company undertakes to carry out the creative ideas of games and developers of local designers so that they can be appreciated by all levels of society. With a traditional theme relevant to the global trend, Kaesang hopes Hommpimpa Games may be a bridge for local talents to shine in industry game international. Hommpimpa games continue to try to advance the Indonesian creative industry.
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Friends of entrepreneurship, Kaesang Pangarep, is a real example of a successful young generation to create a business with creativity, hard work and use of technology. With a variety of companies in which he was involved, from the culinary to technology and investment, Kaesang proved that he was not only the son of a president, but a visionary businessman.
Kaesang's success is also an inspiration for many young people in Indonesia to dare to start their own business and continue to innovate. With the spirit of entrepreneurship and its creative spirit, Kaesang should continue to produce new businesses that have a positive impact on the Indonesian economy.
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- https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/lifestyle/20230831050050-33-467671/12-gurita-bisnis-kaesang-pangarep-banyak-yang-gulung-tikar/amp
- https://www.insertlive.com/hot-gossip/20240830121808-7-345681/17-bisnis-ini-ternya-milik-kaesang-pangarep-ada-6-yang-sudah-bangkrut/amp
- https://www.idntimes.com/business/finance/amp/putri-ambar-2/7-bisnis-kaesang-yang-bberoperasi-ada-app-investasi
Sources 2/ https://ukmindonesia.id/baca-deskripsi-posts/menelisik-jejak-bisnis-putra-bungsu-presiden-jokowi The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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