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Brian and Maggie show that Rachel Reeves takes the bad lessons from Thatcher

Brian and Maggie show that Rachel Reeves takes the bad lessons from Thatcher



Walden was a Labor MP who left television politics more than a decade earlier. “A deputy with a regular place on television, would it not be … contrary to ethics?” Walden says, when he initially proposed the post – a not too subtle excavation of the writer James Graham on the rotating door between GB News and the right wing of the Conservative Party, as well as the management of the reform.

Despite being opposed to parties during the Walden's political career, the most powerful politician from the end of the 20th century found common ground with him. Building together at number 10 in 1982, they discussed meritocracy. “You and I were very good examples,” proclaims Thatcher. “We arrived at the top of our profession. Against all chances.

During these passages, it is easy to find that nice. She makes a strong argument. She was Surrounded by men who had been much easier than her. Men who had reached positions of power without diligence or intelligent for work.

“They have not won their place,” says Thatcher. “They just knew someone who knew someone and that they bluff and make their way. And they have unlimited chances. »»

At least two of these men were then the Prime Minister. And the big interviews have never done Boris Johnson in the ballot box – he was a witness to avoid an Inquisition of Andrew Neil after Jeremy Corbyn has already been subjected to uncomfortable grills in 2019, before winning a shift in the field.

Brian and Maggie is a serious drama with something to say. It is produced by Stephen Frears, Triple Bafta winner, Walter is one of the greatest actors in modern times and brings something new to thatcher after Meryl Streep, Gillian Anderson, Andrea Riseborough and Lindsay Duncan all played the Old PM. And Graham, writer of Sherwoodis the best of the business.

Looking Brian and Maggie is a reminder that, despite what the millions think of that of thatcher, there is something in his history and his style of leadership that politicians still seek to imitate. But unfortunately, it is never the will to answer difficult questions. Instead, this tends to be an unshakable will. A cast iron stubborn (which they hope to be read as force) – even in the face of the argument of political allies and supporters.

Steve Coogan and Harriet Walter in Brian and Maggie.

In an interview in the early 1980s, Walden began: “Margaret Thatcher insists that economic prosperity must return to Great Britain and clearly indicated that it intended to do everything necessary to operate his plan. ” This is strangely like the chancellor's recent determination that everything must be a question of growth.

Walden then said to that that there will be losers in this scenario. “Even if you succeeded economically, you will have always created a more unequal society, riddled with avoidable injustices. Is the price of our economic recovery and our prosperity a greater inequality in our country? »»

The iron lady was adamant. “Indeed, yes,” comes the answer.

Rachel Reeves has already suggested that she thinks that economic growth prevails over the environment. The Government of Starmer has already targeted winter fuel payments and service payments.

If Starmer and Reeves, like Thatcher, also believe that more inequality is a price to pay for growth, we can be more important than we thought …

Brian and Maggie is now available to look at Canal 4 – The last episode is broadcast on January 30 at 9 p.m.

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