Imran Khan writes a letter to Pak chief judge on issues related to electoral fraud, violation of human rights

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan submitted a detailed letter of 349 pages to chief judge Yahya Afridi and Judge Amicin, describing systemic violations of human rights, electoral embezzlement and the targeted abolition of members of Pakistan Tehreek-e-insaf.
Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan submitted a detailed letter of 349 pages to chief judge Yahya Afridi and Judge Amicin, describing systemic violations of human rights, electoral embezzlement and the targeted abolition of members of Pakistan Tehreek-e-insaf.
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The document delimits vast allegations of electoral manipulation, arbitrary detentions and state -led repression, in particular surrounding the events of November 26, 2024. Khan affirms that a significant number of PTI workers were illegally detained between 24 On November 27 and the authorities accused of deliberation the falsification of hospital files to obscure the evidence of the abuses perpetrated by the State.
Riding the judiciary, he argues that he has systematically neglected several petitions contesting these transgressions in the last 18 months.
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Khan also alleges that the members of the PTI have been subject to extrajudicial murders and forced disappearances.
He says: “The current government has come into power by electoral fraud and historical rigging.” He continues: “This unconstitutional regime inflicted a serious oppression on the PTI, demolishing our offices and subjecting our leaders to brutal torture.”
Saying his own arrest on May 9, 2023, at the High Court of Islamabad, Khan qualified him as illegal and strategically televised to encourage public disorders.
He writes: “When I approached the High Court of Islamabad to request a reparation against the repression of the State, I was attacked. The Supreme Court later declared the whole illegal operation. In addition, he claims that government agents have infiltrated PTIS peaceful demonstrations to provoke violence and discredit the legitimacy of the parties.
In parallel, the head of the PTI, Shibli Faraz, rejected the proposal of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharifs to establish a parliamentary committee, deeming him ineffective. “The proposal of a chamber committee is not a viable solution. If the government was serious about talks, a committee would have already been trained, “he said.
The PTI remains firm in its request as a judicial committee, arguing that such an institution would inspire greater confidence from the public. “We ask for a judicial commission because people trust it. The suggestion of the Chamber Committee is not appropriate. »»
Faraz reiterated the will of the PTIS to engage in dialogue to alleviate political tensions. “We have accepted talks to help resolve the political crisis and stabilize the country,” he said.
On January 30, Sharif reported its opening to the resumption of negotiations with PTI and proposed the creation of a parliamentary committee to mediate in progress.
During a session of the federal cabinet, he thought about previous negotiations, stressing that PTI had initially submitted official requests through the speaker of the National Assembly, but then withdrew from a meeting scheduled for 28 January.
Sharif also invoked the 2018 elections, arguing that even under PTIS governance, only a parliamentary committee a judicial commission was formed to treat the electoral grievances. He urged PTI to return to the negotiation table and collaborate in the training of a new inquiry committee to examine the 2018 and 2024 elections.
With the two factions rooted in their respective positions, the Pakistan political landscape remains precarious and the probability of significant reconciliation continues to decrease.
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Sources 2/ https://www.newsx.com/world/imran-khan-writes-letter-to-paks-chief-justice-on-issues-related-to-electoral-fraud-human-rights-violation/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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