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PM Modi Sharing Advice for Weight Loss |

PM Modi Sharing Advice for Weight Loss |



Prime Minister Narendra Modi shares advice on how to reduce obesity and stay healthy

Obesity is a silent killer and is the deep cause of several diseases, some of them dead. Health agencies and experts tirelessly aware of obesity and shared advice on how to reduce it.
Recently, the actor of Bollywood Akshay Kumar shared a video of Prime Minister Narendra modifying sharing advice on weight control and obesity prevention.
The video was shared by the actor on the X social media platform (formerly Twitter) and attracted enormous attention. The video is part of PM Modi's address to the collection of the 38th national games in Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
“As it's true !! I have been saying this for years now that the PM himself has said it so well.
1. enough sleep
2. Fresh air and sun
3. No transformed food, less oil. Trust the good old desi ghee
And above all
Move, move, move. Kuchh Bhi Type Ka Workout Karo by Karo Toh Sahi. Regular exercise will change your life. Believe me about it and move. Jai Mahakal, “the actor subtitled the video of PM Speaking.

“Obesity increases quickly in our country”

PM Modi underlined the growing epidemic of obesity. “You all understand the importance of physical form. This is why today I mean a challenge that is very important. Statistics say that the problem of obesity increases quickly in our country. Each group D 'Age of the country, and even young people, are seriously affected.

Ghee (2)

Reduce oil consumption by 10%

“Each country group in the country, and even young people, is seriously affected by health on health.
“Reduce unhealthy fats and oil in your food. Now in our normal houses, the ration arrives at the beginning of the month. So far, if you used to bring two liters of cooking oil each month, Then reduce it by at least 10% to eat fresh food, natural things and balanced meals.
Oils play a crucial role in our diet, providing essential fatty acids and helping in the absorption of nutrients. However, the type and amount of oil consumed have a significant impact on health. Healthy oils, such as olive, avocado and linseed, are rich in unsaturated fats and antioxidants, promoting heart health, reducing inflammation and improving brain function.
The excessive intake of unhealthy oils, especially those rich in trans fats and saturated fats such as palm oil and hydrogenated vegetable oils, can cause serious health problems. These oils contribute to obesity, high cholesterol and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease by obstructing the arteries and increasing the poor levels of cholesterol (LDL) while reducing good cholesterol (HDL).
The cooking method also affects the impact on oil health. Heating oils repeatedly at high temperatures produce harmful compounds that can increase the risk of chronic diseases, including cancer. The moderation and variety of oil consumption are essential. Opty for cold oils and to be transformed in cold and balance them with a diet rich in whole food can support general well-being.
The PM encourages people to eat ghee, a must -have from Indian households. Ghee, a clarified form of butter, offers several health benefits when consumed in moderation. It is rich in healthy fats, in particular butyrate, which supports intestinal health by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria and reducing inflammation. Ghee is also a source of liposoluble vitamins like A, D, E and K, crucial for immune function and skin health. Its high smoke point makes it ideal for cooking at high temperatures without producing harmful compounds. The message of the PM Modi is a reminder to embrace the tradition of including foods that have been in practice since time immemorial.

PM suggests sleeping quality and good sunlight

Bad sleep contributes significantly to obesity. When sleep is compromised, the regulatory balance of hormones is disturbed. The hunger and the desire for highly rich food products increased due to poor sleep, which ultimately leads to obesity. Poor sleep also affects metabolic and insulin activities, thus leading to the risk of obesity. Exposure to the sun helps improve the circadian pace, ensuring good sleep quality. Exposure to the sun also improves serotonin levels in the body, which can help indirectly control hunger and mood disorders, thus contributing to the control of weight indirectly. In addition, the sun promotes the production of vitamin D, which can also affect the storage and metabolism of fats, offering additional advantages in obesity prevention. Appropriate sleep and sunlight can support healthier weight regulations.

“It's absolutely correct”

“What the Prime Minister has said is absolutely correct. Obesity can lead to multiple health problems, including compromised circulation, breathing difficulties, low digestion and loss of energy. It also affects our mental concentration, our Creativity and our global well-being “Coach Mickey Mehta told Ians.
“If India has to direct the world, we must first fight against the epidemic of obesity. Our children become obese even in school, mainly due to unhealthy and transformed foods,” he added .




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