5 years later, the full impact of Brexit is still emerging

By Jill Lawless
London (AP) – Five years ago Friday, two crowds of people gathered near the British parliament – some with Union Jacks and Cheers, others European Union Flags and tears.
January 31, 2020 at 11 p.m. London time – midnight at the EU headquarters in Brussels – the United Kingdom Officially left the block After almost five decades of membership, which had caused free movement and free trade between Great Britain and 27 other European countries.
For Brexit Supporters, the United Kingdom was now a sovereign nation in charge of its own destiny. For opponents, it was an isolated and decreased country.
It was, without relevant, a divided nation that had led to the dark. Five years later, people and businesses are still struggling with economic, social and cultural replicas.
“The impact was really deep enough,” said political scientist Anand Menon, who directs the United Kingdom's thinking group in a changing Europe. “It changed our economy.
“And our policy has also changed fundamentally,” he added. “We have seen a new division around Brexit being part of electoral policy.”
A decision that divided the nation
An island nation with a solid sense of its historical importance, Great Britain had long been a worried member of the EU during its referendum in June 2016 on the opportunity to stay or leave. Decades of deindustrialisation, followed by years of reductions in public spending and high immigration, have made a fertile ground for the argument that Brexit would allow the United Kingdom “regain control” of its borders, laws and economics .
However, the result – 52% to 48% in favor of the departure – was a shock for many. Neither the Conservative government, which campaigned to stay in the EU, nor the pro-Brexit activists had planned the disorderly details of the split.
The referendum was followed by Years of struggle During the terms of divorce between an injured EU and a Father Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May. She resigned in 2019 and was replaced by Boris Johnsonwho swore to “do Brexit”.
It was not so simple.
A blow for the British economy
The United Kingdom has left without agreement on its future economic relations with the EU, which represented half of the country's trade. The political departure was followed by 11 months of testy negotiations on the conditions of divorce, leading to an agreement on Christmas Eve in 2020.
THE Naked commercial deal I saw the United Kingdom leave the single market and the customs union of the block. This meant that goods could move without prices or quotas, but have brought new administrative formalities, costs and delays for businesses.
“It cost us money. We are certainly slower and it is more expensive. But we have survived, “said Lars Andersen, including the London company, My Nametags, sends bright colors for children's clothing and school supplies to more than 150 countries.
Sources 2/ https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/2025/01/30/brexit-5-years-later/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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