The mayor of the opposition of Istanbul Slams Slams Aumidity

Istanbul: Istanbuls powerful mayor of the opposition, Ekrem Imamoglu, condemned on Friday what he described as judicial harassment targeting him, because thousands of supporters demanded justice outside the court.
Imamoglu, President Recep Tayyip Erdogans, main political rival, spoke after making a statement as part of two open investigations against him earlier this month. He also fights several other legal affairs.
We know the highest level of legal harassment in Istanbul, he told the crowd, standing on the roof of a bus after leaving Istanbuls Caglayan Court. Imamoglu, which belongs to the main Party of the CHP opposition and was re -elected mayor last year, swore not to abandon.
We will continue to combat injustice, he said. Friday, his declaration was within the framework of two surveys on the remarks he made about the chief prosecutor of Istanbuls and on an expert witness appointed by the court involved in cases against local councils managed by the CHP.
He is accused of threatening, insulting and targeting an official and trying to influence a fair trial. In his declaration to the prosecutor, a copy of which was seen by AFP, Imamoglu denied all allegations, claiming that he was simply exercising his right to freedom of expression.
There was no threat or targeting in my words. What I said was freedom of expression, he said. Freedom of expression is a constitutional right. (Which) includes the right to criticize the judicial authorities and their functioning, he said.
The mayor of the opposition of Ankaras, Mansur Yavas, who was there to support him, accused the government of transforming Turkiye into an open prison. The Turkish authorities regularly target journalists, lawyers and elected political representatives, in particular since the coup in 2016.
A court of Istanbul ordered on Thursday the arrest of an opposition television journalist for having broadcast an interview that the alleged authorities were carried out without the consent of the person questioned – none other than the expert in court Imamoglu had criticized. Among the crowd, some supporters wore masks for the imamoglu face while others agitated banners. There was an important police presence.
The government is trying to limit space for adversaries, including journalists, and intimidate them with unjust accusations, said Fethi Kocaer, 71
Sources 2/ https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/1278369-istanbul-opposition-mayor-slams-judicial-harassment The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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