Publisher's note: Boris Johnson deserves the merit of being a job creator

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are theirs.
You read Entrepreneur Middle East, an international franchise for entrepreneurs.
Boris Johnson came to our event last week. The former British Prime Minister was the star attraction of the Gala Legends of Entrepreneurship dinner in Dubai.
And Johnson did exactly what I thought and hoped he would do it: he charmed the public; He worked the play as the gifted politician he is, and he probably gave the best speech after dinner that Dubai has ever seen.
But I knew he would. What is less known of Johnson is his achievements. In the constantly evolving world of the British Prime Ministers, Johnson obtains a greater kick than most. He is blamed for Brexit, and finally the British conservatives were launched outside the office in the elections of last year.
However, when the history books are written, I suspect that the criticisms will be nicer. During his eight -year fate as mayor of London, he delivered 100,000 affordable houses. More importantly, it has created 31 new housing areas that will transform the London communities and create 80,000 new houses without talking about transportation centers and schools. When he left his role as mayor of London in 2016, employment in London exceeded 4.48 million – the number of people at work increased by 20%. In May 2016, the unemployment rate in London was the lowest since the start of the files. There were also 303,100 learning beginners under his direction.
In relation: Boris Johnson takes the best honors at the Gala Legends of Entrepreneurship Dubai dinner
All this, in particular its impact on the development of housing, means that Johnson was a relentless and successful job creator. Each new project – not to mention many successful learnings – has also triggered a new generation of entrepreneurs. During the awards ceremony, one of the guests asked me “Why Boris? What does he have to do with entrepreneurs?” The answer is all the above. Without new projects led by the government, and without the right political leadership to implement them, no matter how much you are an entrepreneur, you will probably never start.
The awards ceremony that we organized with Johnson has also seen many people who managed to go on stage to receive their awards. In addition to receiving the right platform on which to rely, in particular here to the United Arab Emirates where government leaders for entrepreneurs were exemplary, most of the winners had a similar back history. They started with an idea, often working in their room or their garage, and ended up creating in some cases of several billion dollars.
Johnson's speech was inspiring. But also the stories of men and women who have taken risks, created, innovated and ultimately delivered. In an increasingly uncertain world, entrepreneurs show no signs of slowdown.
In relation: The Recap: Legends of Entrepreneurship Awards
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