Trump promises 200% reprisals on wine and European minds | News War News

A warning comes after the EU announced reprisal prices out of $ 28 billion in American goods in response to American steel samples, aluminum.
The President of the United States, Donald Trump, warned that he would impose rates of 200% on wine, champagne and other alcoholic products from European Union countries if the block continues with a price provided on American whiskey.
The EU announced prices out of 28 billion dollars in American goods, including a 50% sample on American whiskey in Bourbon on Thursday in retaliation after the American prices on steel and aluminum imports entered into force the day before.
If this price is not immediately removed, the United States will soon place a 200% rate on all wines, champagnes and alcoholic products leaving France and other countries represented by the EU, Trump wrote on his Truth social platform in response to the announcement of the EU.
He distinguished the 50% levy on American whiskey as unpleasant, describing the EU as one of the most hostile and most abusive authorities of taxation and pricing in the world, which had been formed for the sole purpose of taking advantage of the United States.
France quickly replied that it would fight against alcohol prices.
It is important for American Europeans to show who we are and that we will not give in to this kind of threats, French Prime Minister François Bayrou said on Thursday during a sales forum.
The French Minister of Foreign Trade, Laurent Saint-Martin, said on X that the United States had a trade war that Trump had chosen to start and that France was determined to retaliate.
Olof Gill, the spokesman for the European Commission in charge of commercial issues, urged the United States to revoke its functions on steel and aluminum.
Valdis Dombrovskis, the EU Commerce Commissioner, held an introductory call to the US Secretary of the Treasury Scott Bessent, in which he expressed his concern about American prices and their negative economic impact on both sides.
Be fed up
If the United States had to impose a 200% tariff on EU alcohol imports, a bottle of Italian prosecco previously not priced could increase by $ 45. Similarly, the response of Europe at Trumps Steel and aluminum prices means that the cost of a bourbon bottle at $ 30 in Paris could increase to $ 45.
The latest tariff threats suggested that even companies that publicly held it as the French luxury product company LVMH, the CEO of which attended its inauguration could be collateral damage.
Their taxation raises questions about the question of whether the business world as a whole could be willing to openly contest a series of commercial wars that have stock market and scratched consumers.
Tesla electric car manufacturer, owned by Elon Musk, one of the greatest allies of the presidents, wrote to USTRADEREPRESTIVE JAMIESON GREER, urging the US administration to consider the downstream impacts of certain actions proposed to combat unfair advantages.
Nicolas Ozanam, director general of the Federation representing French exporters of wine and spirits, known to the acronym FEVS, said that exporters were fed up with being systematically sacrificed for problems unrelated to ours.
In the United States, the chief of the distilled council of spirits Chris Swonger described the deeply disappointing plans, indicating that they would strike at a time when industry faced a slowdown in its original market.
Trumps Trade Wars also targeted Canada, Mexico and China on the pretext that they are not doing enough to reduce smuggling of fentanyl or illegal immigration to the United States.
He has targeted specific products, including steel, aluminum and copper.
The uncertainty on the commercial levels and the concerns of the prevailing on which they could trigger a recession disrupted the financial markets.
François Villeroy de Galhau, the governor of the Central Bank of Frances, said that the actions of Trump administrations would end up inflicting more damage to the American economy.
It is first of all a tragedy for the American economy, he said.
Sources 2/ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2025/3/13/trump-vows-massive-retaliatory-tariffs-on-european-wine-and-spirits The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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