Huge opposition scale in London Chinese Super-Embassy Revealed | Politics | News

A new survey revealed the enormous opposition scale again for a super Chinese super-embarking next to the Tower of London. The new opinion poll shows that through the United Kingdom, 43% of all the British are opposed to the plans.
The Londoners are a little less opposite, but would still like the government to reject the plans that have already been postponed by the Tower Hamlet council. Only 13% of British support the plans, moving to a little more than 19% among labor voters. The election of 2,000 adults asked: the Chinese government plans to build the largest embassy in Europe, opposite the London Tower. The request was rejected twice by the Council in 2022 and 2024, and identical plans were submitted to its submission last July.
Some are opposed to the project on security risks, confidentiality and security problems. Others cite the project as an opportunity to develop a stronger economic relationship with China. To what extent do you support or opt for this application?
Before another protest against the planned Super Embassy, which is expected to take place on Saturday, former security minister Tom Togendhat told The Express: the new embassy will be a daily reminder to a large part of the oppression of the Muslim community in China, and the probable protests a daily disturbance.
Obviously, the inhabitants of Tower Hamlets agree that this should be rejected.
The survey was commissioned by the conservative group of Tower Hamlets, the spokesman Alex Brooks describing this row as a battle of David vs Goliath by the residents.
Brooks said: It is not nimbyism, it supports British interests.
Residents fear that work will push it however and undermine the risk of security and security. Research clearly shows that it is useless to try to have a narrower economic relationship with China, if the residents are not safe.
This is a point of view shared by local residents, Londoners and British residents. From a security point of view, it is a ridiculous place for a major embassy.
If people want to set up demonstrations against human rights in China, it could block roads and Tower Bridge, leading to police problems.
China Hawk and former leader of the Conservative Party Sir Iain Duncan Smith added: No one wants this embassy with the exception of the government.
“The government is the only group who wishes. The residents oppose it, the Council opposes it, the security services do not want it. The police did not, but they have changed their point of view.
No one with an inch of brain in their heads think it's the right place for an embassy, not to mention a Chinese super-embillege.
Wherever Chinese super-embassies were built, threats and coercion came.
The question is why the police changed their mind? Other than that, the government has looked into them.
The last word on the embassy is now based with the secretary of the communities Angela Rayner, who is expected to make a decision in May.
Last week, it was revealed that the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, David Lammy, wrote to Ms. Rayner in September asking him to call the decision and to cancel the opposition of the councils.
He argued that it would be in the interest of Beijing and should be reconsidered.
Sources 2/ https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/2026919/chinese-super-embassy-poll-London The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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