PM Share the podcast overviews with Lex Fridman

New Delhi:
Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared an overview on Saturday in the fields of discussion he held with the computer scientist and podcaster Lex Fridman.
Lex Fridman is a researcher who also welcomes his podcast, “Lex Fridman Podcast”. In his podcasts, several personalities from various backgrounds have discussed questions ranging from complex niches to other areas of mass understanding.
Notable personalities include political leaders like American President Donald Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Argentine Prime Minister Javier Milei, as well as leading personalities in their fields, such as Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Sam Altman, Magnus Carlson and Yuval Noah Harari.
Mr. Fridman wrote on X: “I had an epic 3 -hour podcast conversation with @narendramod, Prime Minister of India. It was one of the most powerful conversations of my life. It will be released tomorrow.”
I had an epic 3 -hour podcast conversation with @NarendramodiPrime Minister of India.
It was one of the most powerful conversations of my life.
It will be released tomorrow. pic.twitter.com/kmrsffvrkg
Lex Fridman (@lexfridman) March 15, 2025
Responding to Mr. Fridman, Prime Minister Modi described this as “fascinating conversation” and shared that he had discussed various periods of his life, like his childhood days, in the years spent in Himalayas and finally his way in public life.
“It was indeed a fascinating conversation with @lexfridman, covering various subjects, in particular by recalling my childhood, the years in the Himalayas and the journey in public life. Removing and being part of this dialogue!” PM Modi wrote on X.
It was indeed a fascinating conversation with @lexfridmanCovering various subjects, in particular by recalling my childhood, years in Himalayas and travel in public life.
Make sure and be part of this dialogue! https://t.co/qaj04qi1t
Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) March 15, 2025
Mr. Fridman had announced on January 19 that he would make a podcast with PM Modi.
In an article on X, he said: “I will do a podcast with Narendra Modi (@narendramod), Prime Minister of India, at the end of February. I have never been to India, so I am delighted to visit and live many facets of his dynamic historical culture and his incredible people as possible as possible.”
I will make a podcast with Narendra Modi (@Narendramodi), Prime Minister of India, at the end of February.
I have never been to India, so I am delighted to visit and finally discover many facets of its dynamic historical culture and its incredible people as fully as possible.
Lex Fridman (@lexfridman) January 18, 2025
Earlier in February, Mr. Fridman called the PM Modi “one of the most fascinating human beings that I have ever studied”.
He wrote on X: “Narendra Modi is one of the most fascinating human beings that I have ever studied. I can't wait to speak to him on the podcast for several hours in a few weeks. In addition to the complex and deep history of India and his role, just the human side of Modi is really interesting. For example, he has often done a multi-day fast (9 days) for once for hours.
Narendra Modi is one of the most fascinating human beings that I have ever studied.
I can't wait to talk to him about the podcast for several hours in a few weeks.
In addition to the complex and deep history of India, and its role in computer science, just the human side of Modi is really interesting. For
Lex Fridman (@lexfridman) February 7, 2025
Sharing the details, Mr. Fridman said that the conversation of the podcast with the Prime Minister would be released at 5.30 p.m. IST.
“The podcast should be published tomorrow (Sunday) around 8 am / 5.30 pm IST,” he wrote on X.
The podcast should be published tomorrow (Sunday) around 8 a.m. hne / 5.30 p.m. IST.
Lex Fridman (@lexfridman) March 15, 2025
According to his official website, Lex Fridman has been a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) since 2015.
His podcasts cover several themes, such as artificial intelligence, global policy, cryptocurrency, productivity, global geopolitics and technology. Its YouTube page has 4.8 million subscribers with more than 82,000,000,000 views.
(With the exception of the title, this story has not been published by NDTV staff and is published from a unionized flow.)
Sources 2/ https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/prime-minister-narendra-modi-shares-glimpses-from-podcast-with-lex-fridman-fascinating-conversation-7931131 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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