Donald Trump has just signed a prescription to eliminate seven other federal agencies – Mother Jones

President Donald Trump speaks to the Ministry of Justice on Friday.
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In an executive decree signed on Friday evening, Donald Trump actually dismantled seven other federal agencies, this time with cuts that will have an impact on work on homelessness, libraries, support for companies belonging to minorities and the American agency for the world media, which finances the voice of America (VOA) and the radio Europe / radio free asia. The cuts should leave thousands of other untempt workers; In the case of VOA, he promoted a specific vendetta that Trump had since his first mandate.
The order will affect the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, the United States agency for the world's media, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars of the Smithsonian Institution, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the United States Interagence Council on Homelessness, the Community Development Institutions Fund and the Minority Development Agency. He asks the head of each agency to submit a report to the management and budget office explaining which components or functions of the government entity, if applicable, are rules and to what extent. In practice, as has happened with other federal agencies in recent weeks, it should leave these agencies a shell of themselves and fundamentally non-existent; In the case of the American interinstitutions council on homelessness, it destroys the only federal agency only focused on the fight against the crisis of homelessness.
During his first mandate, Trump described the VOA report as “shame”. This time, he placed Trump's loyalist and electoral denial Kari Lake as a special agency advisor.
This decision against the American agency for the world's media has attracted the most attention and could have the greatest implications abroad. VOA has been specifically active since the 1940s, where he broadcast stories in Germany which were intended to counter Nazi propaganda. During his first mandate, Trump described Voas to declare shameful. This time, he placed Trump's loyalist and electoral denial Kari Lake as a special agency advisor. In December, he wrote that it “would ensure that the American values of freedom and freedom were disseminated worldwide in a fair and precise manner, unlike lies divided by the false media of information”.
Lake has clearly indicated that she would not respect Voas' editorial independence, telling a crowd at the conservative political action conference, VOA tells the story of America in the world for 83 years this Monday. Sometimes the cover was incredible, and sometimes it was pitiful. We fight an information war, and there is no better weapon than the truth, and I believe that VOA could be this weapon.
VOA made other efforts to appease Trump, in particular by placing the first journalist Steve Herman on leave for supposedly anti-Trump comments. As part of the lake, the organization also canceled millions of dollars in contracts with other press agencies, including the Associated Press, Reuters and Agency France-Press.
Some of the seven agencies which had just been emptied could contest the order before the court; The American agency for the world's media, for example, was founded by a Congress Charter and could say that it cannot be dismantled by a decree. The authority of the Elon Musks Government Ministry to make the amazing cuts they have already made to government agencies are also disputed in many prosecution.
Sources 2/ https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2025/03/trump-doge-voice-of-america-voa-kari-lake/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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