The Minister of Labor “ Rubbished '' Secret file of the chief on the theory of Wuhan's laboratory leakage during the pandemic despite Boris demanding probe … to avoid offensive China '' '

A Minister of Labor was last night at the center of an explosive row claims that he had high -level information pointing towards original co -via in a Chinese laboratory.
Sunday mail can reveal that a former spy chief submitted a secret file to n ° 10 at the start of the pandemic reporting that the virus was from a leak from a Wuhan establishment.
But Lord Vallance, the Minister of Sciences who was the chief scientific advisor of governments at the time, is accused of having ignored the report, perhaps for fear of offending the Chinese or of endangering research funding.
A classified file compiled by Sir Richard Dearlove, the former chief of MI6, was transmitted to the Minister of the time, Boris Johnson, at the start of the epidemic in March 2020 who said: he is now reasonable doubt that COVVI-19 was designed in the Wuhan Institute in Virology.
The file, marked, the secret eyes Eyes argued that Beijing was pushing a false story that the virus was from an animal market. The file, compiled by a group of eminent academics and intelligence experts and seen on Sunday by mail, said that China has even manipulated viral samples retrospectively to give credits to deception.
But the argument would have been rejected by Patrick Vallance, who was a familiar face during the pandemic while he flanked Mr. Johnson during press conferences No. 10.
In today's Mos, Sir Richard writes from his file: Boris himself was convinced by his argument. But the weight of the scientific establishment of governments, already registered in the Chinese story, prevailed.
Last night, a source close to Mr. Johnson last night pointed out Lord Vallance's finger for rubbing laboratory leak theory to appease the Chinese government. The source said: Boris asked several times [intelligence] Agencies to do more work on the origins of Covid. This struck him as a coincidence too large that a mutant virus appeared in a city that has just had one of the only laboratories in the world to have designed mutant co -viruses.

Boris Johnson and British scientific advisor Patrick Vallance left 10 Downing Street in September 2021

The Chinese virologist Shi Zhengli inside the P4 laboratory in Wuhan, capital of the Chinese province of Hubei
“He was very struck by the refusal of scientists, in particular Patrick Vallance, even to contemplate this possibility. He asked again after obtaining the Dearlove briefing and again the agencies returned with the same response and in particular of dearlove. With hindsight, he now wonders why scientists and agencies were so categorical.
The source said that the former Prime Minister feared that the public was deliberately misleading by the scientific community and intelligence to protect the financing of Beijing's research and to avoid angry the Chinese regime.
Lord Vallance faces a meticulous examination of his role in the abolition of the theory of laboratory leaks. He participated in a multinational teleconference in February 2020, after which it is presumed that scientists began to reject the Chinese hypothesis of laboratory leak as incredible.
Last week, former minister Steve Baker said Lord Vallance should be fully transparent about what he knew and why he had chosen to be among those who avoided annoying questions.
The source said: Boris thinks it is possible that scientists do not like laboratory leaks because they are wary of public hostility to science. They did not want stories on Frankenstein viruses which would mean a threat to funding for research. He also thinks they were nervous to the offense of their international partners.
Obviously, the theory of laboratory leaks was deeply embarrassing and painful for China. This meant that someone's incompetence in Wuhan had caused millions of deaths and 16 billions of dollars in the world.
But they really didn't want to say that. Beijing is ruthless to punish anyone who says anything hostile or disrespectful towards China. Scientists were clearly nervous at the idea of triggering cuts to enormous Chinese investments in academic research of all kinds.
Last week's letter revealed that a senior virologist said that British and American intelligence agencies orchestrated a clandestine campaign to stop the concerns of a laboratory leak.

The chief doctor of England Chris Whitty, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, then the chief scientific advisor Sir Patrick Vallance during a press conference in March 2020

Boris Johnson gives a press conference on the current situation with the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020

A classified file compiled by Sir Richard Dearlove, the former chief of MI6, was sent to the Minister of Primary at the time, Boris Johnson, at the start of the epidemic in March 2020

Lord Vallance, the Minister of Sciences who was the chief scientific advisor of governments at the time, is accused of having ignored the report, perhaps for fear of offending the Chinese or endangering research funding
Robert Redfield, who was director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention when the pandemic broke out, said that he was 100% convinced that COVID-19 was the result of scientists' infecticle while putting high-risk experiences to stimulate the power of bat viruses.
In April 2020, this newspaper revealed that the Secret Cobra Committee of Governments had been informed that Covid had disclosed a laboratory, only to then be rejected as a conspiracy theory.
It was reported last week that in 2020, the Germans Foreign Intelligence Service submitted the probability that the virus was accidentally released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology to 80 to 95%.
The newspapers Die Zeit and Sueddeutscher Zeitung said that an unpublished report from the spy agency Germanys BND had indicated that many violations of the security regulations had occurred in the laboratory.
The source close to Mr. Johnson said that he suspected that scientists were also concerned about offensive Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Americas of Allergy and Infectious Diseases from 1984 to 2022, who financed research on the bat virus in Wuhan.
The source said: The truth is that the COVVI-19 virus was not only Chinese but also partially American. It was a chimeric chimera. Thus, Vallance and the others cling to the theory of the wet / bat / pangolin market long after starting to look ridiculous.
They did it because they were instinctively in China and sensitive to anti-scientific feelings in the wider audience.
The agencies did not really have good sources for their work, other than the scientists who were interested in this. Which is absurd when we consider that we must understand the origins of Covid to prevent another epidemic.
The source concluded that it was ridiculous that the British public inquiry underway on the pandemic does not study its origins.
Lord Vallance refused to comment last night, and a government spokesperson said: the United Kingdom continues to support the World Health Organization in its current expert study by the origins of Covid-19 and is looking for a robust, transparent and science review.
Sources 2/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14503159/Labour-Wuhan-lab-leak-pandemic-Boris-johnson.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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