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Donald Trump reacts after the journalist struck him in front with the microphone

Donald Trump reacts after the journalist struck him in front with the microphone



Initially appeared on E! Online

Boom made the microphone at the last press conference by President Donald Trump … directly on him.

While speaking to a herd of journalists cluttered on a Tarmac with a base Andrews in Maryland on March 14, one of them moved their large microphone covered with blurred windshield, which made him fall on the lips of the American chief and spend his left cheek.

Trump, who was a question about the Gaza Strip at the time, immediately gave one of the cameras of the lateral eye, then raised the eyebrows and made a prediction.

“She just made television tonight,” he said several seconds after the time of the impact. “She became a big story tonight, right? Have you seen that?”

The micro operator could be heard apologizing after having hit the president, a moment that has since become viral. The person has not been identified.

E! News contacted the White House to comment on the incident and did not hear.

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Trump also became viral that day when he was filmed by walking on the southern lawn of the White House with X A-XII Musk, Elon Musk's elder Musk's eldest son with ex Grimes and heading for Marine One.

Carl Court – Pool / Getty Images

The president allowed the 4 -year -old child, nicknamed X, to climb first on board the plane, then had one of the steps taken while he followed.

Carl Court – Pool / Getty Images

Musk, one of Trump's best advisers, brought X several times to the White House, especially in February, when the two joined the president at the Oval office for a press conference on the Ministry of Government Effectiveness (DOGE). The event also gave a viral moment when X stood behind the desk resolved between his father and Trump and chose his nose.

The American leader, who previously described as a “germophobic”, did not share his reaction to the meeting but praised Elon's son during the event, calling him “big guy” and “a high-iq”.

A week later, Trump returned the office resolved to be “slightly restored” and replaced it with another historic white house furniture, the C&O office. The president, who did not explain the reason for the switch, added that it was a “beautiful but temporary replacement”.

Musk is a father of at least 13 children, while Trump has five children and 10 grandchildren. Read more to find out more about the president's family …

Ivana Trump

Ivana Trump was the first wife of President -elected Donald Trump. Born in Gottwaldov, Cchoncoslovakianow Zln of the Czech Republicine 1949, she became famous as a competitive skier. And, thanks to his marriage to the Austrian ski instructor Alfred Winklmayr in 1971, Ivana was able to travel often outside Czechoslovakia.

According to her book Raising Trump, the model met Donald three years after his 1973 divorce on a trip to New York, where she had traveled for a Canadian fashion show before the Montreal Olympic Games. They married in 1977 and welcomed three children: Donald Trump Jr. born in 1977, Ivanka Trump born in 1981 and Eric Trump born in 1984.

The couple's divorce was finalized in 1992 following their affair with Marla Maples, which he later married.

However, Ivanawho then married Riccardo Mazzucchelli for two years, followed by Rossano Rubicondi for less than a year and Donald remained on good terms.

Donald during the divorce was brutal, she told ABC News in 2017. He took the divorce as a commercial work and he cannot lose. He must win. So he took about two years. And after the final situation was straightened, we were just talking about and we are friends.

Ivana died in 2022 at the age of 73. According to NBC News, the New York Legalist said that she died from the blunt impact injury and that her death mode was an accident. A senior New York official with direct knowledge added that the circumstances were in accordance with a fall on the stairs of his apartment in New York.

Donald Trump Jr.

In 1977, Ivana and Donald welcomed their eldest son Donald Trump Jr. He graduated from a baccalaureate in finance and real estate from Pennsylvanias Wharton School in 2000 and began to work for his fathers company The Trump Organization in 2001, where he is now as executive vice-president.

Don Jr. is also Director of Trump Media & Technology Group Corp and Public Holdings and part of the Capital Society 1789. In addition, he was involved in the political campaigns of his father, in particular speaking during the rallies and the National Republican Convention during his father's presidential races.

Don Jr. shares five children with her ex-wife, the model Vanessa Haydon: Kai (who also made a speech to the 2024 Republican National Convention) Donald III, Tristan, Spencer and Chloé.

Don Jr. was previously engaged to Fox News Alun Kimberly Guilfoyle. However, he recently confirmed their separation.

“Kimberly and I will never stop taking care of each other,” he told page six on December 13, “and will always keep a special link.”

Don Jr. sparked rumors of romance with the worldly Bettina Anderson; However, they did not publicly comment on the speculation of meetings.

Ivanka Trump

Four years after the arrival of Don Jr., Donald and Ivana became parents of girl Ivanka Trump.

Before his presidency of Fathers, the alum of the University of Pennsylvania worked for the Trump organization. But after being elected in 2016, the founder of the fashion brand who had his own eponymous Linetook on the role of adviser to the president.

After his father announced that he would present himself again for the president in 2024, Ivanka revealed that she would leave the political arena to focus on her family with her husband, the former main advisor of the White House Jared Kushner and their Arabella children, Joseph and Theodore.

I really like my father, she said in part of a declaration in 2022 obtained by NBC News. This time, I choose to prioritize my young children and the private life that we create with the family. I do not intend to get involved in politics.

Eric Trump

Born in 1984, Eric Trump is the third child of Ivana and Donald. He obtained a diploma in finance and management from the University of Georgetown.

Like his brother, Eric works as executive vice-president of the Trump organization, whom he joined in 2007. He is also president of Trump Winery.

Eric is married to the co -president of the National Republican Committee Lara Trump, with whom he shares children Luke and Carolina.

Marla Maples

Marla Maples is Donalds' second wife, whom he met when she was still married to Ivana.

By raising Trump, Ivana wrote that the actress approached her about the case on a trip to Aspen in 1989. However, Marla said on a 2018 episode of the Podcast Journeys of Faith with Paula Faris that she never considered herself as a mistress.

“My intention was to never hurt,” she continued. “Do I want more than anything we could have had this relationship after the signing of his divorce papers? Absolutely. I mean, with all my heart. How many sorrow would have saved so many people if I had seen this piece of paper before I got involved? But that did not happen in this way.”

Marla and Donald welcomed the daughter Tiffany Trump in 1993, and the couple got married later that year. However, the former Dancing With The Stars and the 47th Commander -in -Chief announced their separation four years later and finalized their divorce in 1999.

Tiffany Trump

After the break of his parents, Tiffany Trump moved with his mother to California.

“She brought us out of New York to get out of the spotlight and let me grow and find my own identity in relation to the shadow of a name or growing up very young with all this pressure, told Tiffany in 2016. So she wanted me to have a normal childhood. As normal as possible. I think she did well.

She published her Single 2011 like A Bird “and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2016 with a BA in sociology, focusing on law and society. She then went to the Georgetown Law School, where she obtained her JD diploma in 2020.

In 2022, Tiffany married Michael Boulos. His father announced that they were waiting for their first baby during a October 2024 speech at the Detroit Economic Club. “She is an exceptional young woman,” he said during her comments. “And she's going to have a baby. So it's good.

Melania Trump

Melania Trump is the third wife of Donalds and the first in-house lady of the United States. Born in Mesto, Slovenia, in 1970, she was the second first lady to be born outside the United States and the only first lady to become a naturalized American citizen.

Melania met Donald in New York in 1996 when she worked as a model.

It was a big fashion festival that my friend organized, Fashion Week, and he invited me, she remembers in a 2016 episode on the disc with Greta Van Sustren. This is how we met Donald.

Melania and Donald married in 2005, and they welcomed the son Barron Trump the following year.

In 2024, she released her Melania Memoirs and she should appear in a documentary. Melania also talked about the place where she plans to spend her time during the second presidency of her husband.

“I will be in the White House,” she told Fox & Friends in an interview broadcast on January 13. “When I need to be in New York, I will be in New York. When I need to be in Palm Beach, I will be in Palm Beach. My first priority is to be a mom, to be a first lady, to be a woman. And once we have on January 20, you serve the country.”

Barron Trump

Born in 2006, Barron Trump is Donald and Melanias only a child. While he lived a more private life with his parents from New York to live in Washington, DC, then Florida seemed to be that he could enter the political world after being selected in May 2024 as Florida delegate to the National Republican Convention. However, Barron refused the offer.

“While Barron is honored to have been chosen as a delegate by the Republican Party of Florida, a press release from the Melanias office shared with NBC News at the time said that he regrets to participate due to previous commitments.

Like studying, perhaps, with Barron starting his first year at New York University in 2024. “He was accepted in many colleges,” his father told Daily Mail in an interview published on September 4. “He's a very intelligent guy, and he will go to Stern, The Business School, who is an excellent school in Nyu.”

However, Melania told Fox & Friends in his interview that Barron would visit his family in the White House.

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