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PM Modi on Indian Chinese Links

PM Modi on Indian Chinese Links



New Delhi:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi underlined the strengthening of relations with China despite the past tensions, emphasizing dialogue on discord and cooperation on conflicts. Speaking on the Podcast Lex Fridman, Prime Minister Modi spoke of the “long history” of India-China relations and the importance of mutual understanding.

During his conversation with Lex Fridman, a MIT researcher and host of a popular Youtube Podcast, Prime Minister Modi said: “Look, the relationship between India and China is not something new. The two nations have ancient cultures and civilizations. Even in the modern world, they play an important role.

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Prime Minister Modi said that at one point in history, India and China together represented more than half of the world's GDP. He also noted that Buddhism, which had a great influence on China, is from India, and played a key role in cultural exchanges between the two ancient civilizations.

“If we look back from the centuries, there is no real story of conflict between us. It has always been to learn from each other and to understand each other,” said Prime Minister Modi.

Addressing longtime border conflicts, PM Modi recognized the tensions that occurred in 2020 after clashes along the real control line (lake).

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In November of last year, Indian and Chinese troops began to patrol along the real control line (lake) in the east of Ladakh after a gap of more than four years. The patrol was arrested in these two regions of Eastern Ladakh for about four and a half years after the two sides clashed in the regions of Lake Pangong and Galwan in May-June 2020.

“It is true that there have been ongoing border disputes between us and in 2020, incidents along the border created important tensions between our countries. However, after my recent meeting with President XI, we saw a return to normality at the border,” said Prime Minister Modi.

“We are now working to restore the conditions for how they were before 2020. Slowly but surely, confidence, enthusiasm and energy will come back. But of course, it will take some time, because there has been a five -year gap. Our cooperation is not only beneficial, it is also essential for global stability and prosperity. And as the 21st century is a century of Asia, but we never want China behave in a healthy and natural.

The Prime Minister admitted that the differences are natural, especially between neighboring countries. “Even in a family, everything is not always perfect,” he said.

Prime Minister Modi stressed that his government focuses on the guarantee that these differences do not turn into disputes. “Our objective is to ensure that these differences do not turn into disputes. This is what we are actively working on. Instead of discord, we emphasize dialogue, because it is only through dialogue that we can build a stable cooperative relationship that serves the higher interest of the two nations.”

A major breakthrough arrived at the end of last year when India and China ended their disengagement process at the last two friction points in the east of Ladakh-Depsang and Demchok.

Following the agreement, Prime Minister Modi and President XI had discussions in Kazan on October 23, where they agreed to revive various dialogue mechanisms to improve relations. This was followed by a series of diplomatic commitments.




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