Donald Trump increases attacks on large law firms lined up by Democrats
Donald Trump has made three prescriptions revoining the law enforcement authorization in large companies. He described businesses as “dishonest and dangerous” accusing each of the armament of the judicial process. Corner of companies has links with Trump's political opponents and legal researchers say that it is a problem.
Donald Trump made another prescription on Friday revoking employee security authorization to Paul Weiss, a large law firm associated with his political opponents.
Friday order is the third time in as many weeks as the president has distinguished the law firms Paul Weiss, Perkins Coie and Covington & Burling to revoke the clearances of their workers. He also ordered an examination of their government contracts. This occurs only a few days after a federal judge blocked the order against Perkins Coie, arguing that it was probably unconstitutional.
Critics warn that the President's efforts to ban employees from law firms to interact with federal agencies or even to enter federal buildings could not only put off bankruptcy, but also erode the rights of lawyers and people looking for a legal advisor across the country.
The representatives of the White House, Paul Weiss, Perkins Coie and Covington & Burling did not immediately respond to requests for comments from Business Insider.
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Trump's order against Paul Weiss distinguished lawyer Mark Pomerrantz, who had previously left the company to join the investigation of the Manhattan District Prosecutor on Trump's finances until his resignation from the case in February 2022. Capitol.
The order indicates that allowing employees of Paul Weiss's company to maintain their security authorization “would threaten national security or be otherwise incompatible with the interests of the United States”.
Likewise, Trump's March 6's order against Perkins Coie described the business activity as “dangerous and dishonest”, highlighting the representation of the candidate's business at the time, Hillary Clinton, during her 2016 race against Trump.
“Perkins Coie hired Fusion GPS, which then made a false” file “designed to steal an election,” said order, referring to a memo compiled by the former British spy Christopher Steele as the elections approached, which contained allegations of collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russian government.
Many claims of the so-called Steele file have not been corroborated, although some were ultimately verified.
On February 25, Trump published a separate note targeting Covington & Burling. The memo specifically appointed and suspended the security authorization of the lawyer Peter Koski, who provided legal assistance to the former special lawyer Jack Smith.
Smith conducted the surveys on Trump and his affiliated companies related to efforts to interfere with the legal transfer of power after the 2020 presidential election and the possession of very classified documents at the Mar-A-Lago Social Club after his presidency.
In each of the orders, Trump accused appointed law firms and specific lawyers for the armament of the judicial process.
Great impact on the great law
Paul Weiss, Perkins Coie and Covington & Burling are among the largest law firms in the United States, with annual income of several billion dollars, according to the Amlaw Global 200 classification. Each company employs more than 1,000 lawyers and support staff such as parajurists, researchers and case managers.
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Anyone working in the company working a case involving a government contract or represents a customer involved in government work or a complaint against the government may require security authorization, Business Insider Neama Rahmani, former federal prosecutor, told Business Insider.
“It does not matter that someone works on a case of classified documents or a case involving terrorism, he must have an authorization to review the equipment which is proof and discovery in the case,” said Rahmani. “Anything that can discuss national security and military secrets, lawyers must have this authorization, and if they are not granted by this authorization, they cannot engage in the representation.”
The abolition of this authorization is a blow for the business of each company, potentially deadly, said a lawyer representing Perkins Coie during a recent audience.
“It is really putting life in danger,” said Politico Dane Vogswinkas, who represents Perkins Coie, during an emergency hearing in which the company challenged the legality of the president's order. “It will spell the end of the law firm.”
Rahmani said that the revocation of law enforcement authorizations could also have an impact on customers looking for a lawyer, limiting who they are able to keep lawyers that the Trump administration allows authorization.
Politico reported that the judge had ruled on Wednesday at the emergency hearing that “the charging animus” of Trump's order against Perkins Coie is “clear on the face” and “is heading in the wall of the protections of the first amendment”.
Howell has made a temporary prohibition order, blocking the parties of the president's order to take effect against the staff of Perkins Coie while the legal challenges take place. Orders affecting Paul Weiss and Covington & Burling remain in force.
“It can be fun in” Alice in Wonderland “where the Queen of Heart shouts,” with her head! “To boring subjects and announces a sentence before a verdict,” said Politico Howell. “But that cannot be the reality in which we live.”
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