What happened to Donald Trumps First Kennedy Center Visit

His administration claims that the institution feels vomit. Meanwhile, current and old employees deplore a stressful and overwhelming work environment. Photo: SOMODEVILLA / GETTY Images
President Donald J. Trump, who recently revised the former Bippartite Board of Directors of John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and installed him with loyalists who elected him to be his president who held the court on Monday in a place that he had not visited publicly during one or the other of his terms: Kennedy Center.
In an unprecedented decision that follows many other unprecedented movements at Kennedy Center in the past month, Trump summoned a meeting of the Board of Directors of Arts Institutions in the concert hall of Centers, in the same place where JD Vance and the Second Lady, Usha Vance, were hooked by the public in a national performance of symphonic orchestra on Thursday evening, a moment that heard multiple viral videos.
Kennedy Center Board meetings are not normally held in performance spaces, and Trump seemed to be unhappy by part of the logistics involved in doing. In the remarks made before the meeting of the Board of Directors in front of a small herd of White House journalists, Trump is composed that Lee Greenwood, singer of the favorite song of Trumps, God injuries the USA, and a new member of the board of directors, could not sing in Reunion, because it would cost $ 30,000 to move a piano. Then Trump added: was going to have a little problem with the people who work here.
The new Trump regime at the center includes the acting president and former ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, who hosted his head throughout Trumps on Monday to the press. During last week, the Administration of Presidents openly criticized the institution and its previous leaders, notably the former president of Kennedy Center, Deborah Rutter, who had already announced her intention to retire in late 2025 before she was suddenly dismissed by Trump, and the former president of the board of directors, David Rubenstein, the philanthrop Baltimore who had assisted assistance for the 14 years up to 14 years old up to 14 years old. At the meeting of the board of directors or at least the part of the meeting of the board of directors which broadcast on YouTube before the single camera made it possible to film during the discussion on the prices of the prices that the president alluded to Rubenstein without saying his name: I am so surprised because I know the person who was in charge, and he is a good man. I never realized that it was in such poor condition.
Trump mentioned several times that the Kennedy Center was in poor condition. Were going to make a lot of changes, including the seats, the DCOR, almost everything, said Trump, making a gesture to the concert hall from the presidential gearbox. These comments echoed the remarks made to the Washington Post by Trump officials who recently visited the place of the arts and described it as dirty, noted that it felt vomit and added that they had seen rats.
A member of the current staff struck this rhetoric as a blatant lie.
It is a 53 -year -old building, so there are certainly corridors that might feel a bit moldy, said this person. But nothing is almost as disgusting as they try to do it. The staff member added: I walk every day in internal corridors under this building and I can say with confidence that we have no rat problem, just as we have never had dredging shows targeting our youth problem. (Trump previously targeted Dragsters' shows held at Kennedy Center as an example of the type of awakened programming that the center would avoid on his watch.)
Several current and former employees of Kennedy Center, who asked to remain anonymous due to labor safety problems, characterized the daily experience of work in the month which prevails over the redemption as stressful, overwhelming and often wrapped in uncertainty as to the drop in shoes. Some employees expressed their discomfort with a specific email that Grenell sent to the staff in the morning after the Vance Hooting incident, which took place during a national orchestra music performance of Igor Stravinskys Petrushka. According to sources that have received the email, Grenell said that several staff members of the Kennedy Center had shared their embarrassment for the hoots with him.
I hear your indignation, he would have written. As the first artistic organization in the United States of America, we must work to make Kennedy Center a place where everyone is welcomed as president, I take the diversity and inclusion very seriously.
He said JD was hua because he is a republican, said a member of the Kennedy Center team. He was hue because the administration took over the Kennedy Center.
It is interesting that he uses diversity and inclusion at a time when you add one more word in there and that you would be attacked, noted another member of the staff of the Kennedy Center, referring, of course, to the third piece of the term deposed by the Republican Dei: Equity.
The New York Times had previously pointed out that Trump was planning to introduce a resolution at the meeting of the board of directors which would give him in-depth control on who is selected as a winner of the Kennedy Center, a life production price reserved for those who have made important achievements within the world of Arts-et-Rentes. It is not immediately known after the meeting if it had happened. Before leaving the Kennedy Center, Trump made sure to announce that his administration plans to publish 80,000 pages of documents previously classified on the assassination of the homonym of Kennedy, John F. Kennedy. He shared this information with the media while he was standing in the home of Kennedy Center, where an image displayed by President Kennedy is looming on his right shoulder.
And when a journalist asked Trump if he was surprised that Vance be hué at Kennedy Center, he answered, I know nothing about this, adding, with an unwanted face, that Vance has been the most popular vice-president in years.
Sources 2/ https://www.vulture.com/article/inside-donald-trump-kennedy-center-visit-employees-react.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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