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Trump visits the Kennedy Center, Slams' Hamilton, “promises to restore it

Trump visits the Kennedy Center, Slams' Hamilton, “promises to restore it



During his first visit to the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts since he was taken into account as President of the Institutions, President Trump said that he had never liked Hamilton but that he expected other Broadway successes, including the Misrables, to do well for the center.

What is good are Broadway's successes, Trump said at a press conference before meeting the board of directors, which is now made up of more than 30 of his allies, including the chief of staff Susie Wiles. Monday marks the first time that Trump convened the board of directors since its takeover in February of the center after having ousted all the members of the board of directors appointed by the former president Biden and licensed the long -standing president of the centers, Deborah F. Rutter.

The Trumps strike against the Broadway superstar, Lin-Manuel Mirandas Hamilton, comes after the Mega-Hit canceled next years of the shows in the center. Miranda told Times in a statement, the Kennedy Center has long been a historically devoid of a political point of view, with agnostic programming to the policy changes of the time. At the heart, Hamilton celebrates American diversity. The recent change in the ideology and management of the board of directors of the Kennedy centers made untenable for production like Hamilton to celebrate and be celebrated there today.

Trump also deplored the physical state of the center, which inaugurated in 1964 and opened its doors in 1971. The center, said Trump, was in poor condition, just like a large part of the rest of our country most due to poor management. Trump said he was disappointed, but the board of directors will do what should be done when it comes to restoring the center. Trump did not explain what exactly needed maintenance, but said that there were windows without windows which would never be used and which were such a waste of money.

Many spectacle art centers contain windows without windows labyrub underground to dress, makeup and costumes, although it was not clear if it was the rooms to which Trump was referring.


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The unions were also in Trumps Crosshairs on Monday as he criticized the structure of the Union, saying that they wanted $ 30,000 just to move a piano so that the member of the board of directors and that God bless the singer of the United States Lee Greenwood could occur for the board of directors.

It's really emblematic of our country, said Trump, shaking his head.

The Kennedy Center represents a very important part of DC and in fact our country, and I think it is important to make sure that our country is well represented, said Trump, adding that people often express a disappointment after having attended programs. Washington cleaned, DC, and it's a large part of Washington, DC

At his meeting of the Board of Directors, Trump was to propose modifications to the advisory committee of specialists, according to the New York Times. Trump's interest in the annual honors of the centers dates back to his first mandate when several winners, including Norman Lear, said they would boycott the event if Trump was to attend. He did not do it, marking only the fourth time in the history of organizations that a president was not at the ceremony.

In the audio of the meeting of the board of directors obtained by the Washington Post, Trump seemed to suggest that he should welcome honors in the future and that the members would be added to the committee which chooses the winners. Artists such as Paul Anka, Sylvester Stallone, Johnny Mathis and Andrea Bocelli were also suggested for the prize, and Trump reflected in the granting of posthumous prices in Elvis Presley, Luciano Pavarotti and Babe Ruth. The posthumous prices have never been awarded before by the center.

Elvis sells better as a dead man, said Trump, according to the Washington Post.

The programming to come to the center under the supervision of Trumps and that of the acting executive director Ric Grenell would also have been on the agenda, according to the press secretary of the White House, Karoline Leavitt. From Trumps Takeover, Kennedy Center observers have been on pins and needles on what the calendar might look like. Trump's former advisor Steve Bannon suggested that Prison J6 choir made up of men imprisoned after the riot of the Capitol on January 6, 2021 should go there.

During a visit to the Kennedy Center last week, the vice-president JD Vance was hué strong when he presented himself with his wife, Usha Vance, for a performance of the National Symphony Orchestra.

In response to reception, Grenell wrote on X, it bothers me to see that so many people in the public seem to be white and intolerant of various political opinions. Diversity is our strength. We have to do better. We have to welcome everyone. We will not allow the Kennedy Center to be an intolerant place.




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