China's military purge is deepened, the best generals arrested in the middle of the power struggle

China undergoes a radical military purge, with sources confirming the arrest of He Weidong, vice-president of the Central Military Commission. This development follows a wave of leadership changes in the country and reports an increase in instability at the highest level of the popular Liberation Army (PLA).
The arrest of He Weidong sparked a chain reaction, with reports indicating that the former Minister of the Department of Logistics of the APL, Zhao Keshi, was also placed in police custody. Besides him, several senior generals in the Fujian faction have been removed, intensifying the upheaval in progress within the Chinese army.
The arrests have marked a significant change in the structure of the power of the APL, in particular in the management of resources and logistics.
The elimination of Zhao Keshi is particularly remarkable given his leading role in the APL. As a former commander of the Nanjing Military Region and head of the General Logistics Department, he has exerted a considerable influence on military budgets, resource allowances and the defense industry of China.
Sources have also revealed that the Weidong secretary was now the subject of an investigation for having allegedly disclosed classified information, adding to the turmoil. The purge has extended beyond individual arrests, with reports on the assistant commander of the Western Theater Command and several generals based in the Fujian detained.
Additional information suggests that senior personalities, including the commander of the Oriental Theater Navy, the deputy director of the CMC Science and Technology Committee, and the director of the Military Affairs Office, were also purged.
The repression of Fujian -based leaders is particularly important given the status of Fujian as one of the traditional power bases of Xi Jinping. Observers are now wondering if XI turns its former allies or responds to an anti-XI growing movement within the army.
Analysts suggest that the most publicized targets can still be in advance, and the internal power struggle shows no signs of slowdown. The coming weeks could reveal if it is simply a campaign against corruption or the progress of a wider and more dangerous competition in the Chinese armed forces.
Sources 2/ https://www.indiatoday.in/world/story/chinese-army-top-officials-arrested-xi-jinping-military-purge-2695008-2025-03-18 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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