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What to expect from Trump's phone call with Putin on Ukraine

What to expect from Trump's phone call with Putin on Ukraine



George Wright and Jacqueline Howard

BBC News

Getty images

Donald Trump is expected to speak on the phone of his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Tuesday to discuss a Ukrainian cease-fire agreement offered in the United States.

The peace proposal on the table was discussed by the Ukrainian and American delegates in Saudi Arabia last week.

After the hours locked in a room, they announced proposals for a 30-day ceasefire, that Ukraine said that it was ready to accept.

Now Russia and the United States will discuss the agreement, but what the two leaders could speak?

What did the United States say?

Trump posted on Truth Social that he would speak to Putin on Tuesday morning.

The American president says that “many elements” of a peace agreement in Ukraine have been agreed, but “a lot” to work.

“Each week brings 2,500 deaths of soldiers, on both sides, and it must end now. I look forward to the call with President Putin,” wrote Trump.

He told journalists earlier that “we will see if we can work a peace agreement, a ceasefire and a peace, and I think we can do it”.

The White House also sounded a more optimistic note on Monday, saying that peace in Ukraine had “never been closer”.

However, there have been variable opinions from the Trump administration of the way the cease-fire talks are advanced.

Speaking after his meeting in Jeddah with Ukrainian officials, US Secretary of State Marco Rubio said that the “bulk” of the conversation was “what a negotiation process would be like and not” specific conditions “.

The American envoy Steve Witkoff, who met Putin on Thursday in Moscow, also took a more measured tone.

What does Russia say?

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov refused to comment on what leaders would discuss, answering: “We never do that”.

While Putin previously declared that he supported a ceasefire, he also established a list of conditions to reach peace.

Speaking at a press conference in Moscow on March 13, Putin said about the cease -fire proposal: “The idea is right – and we support it – but there are questions we have to discuss.”

Putin has also described some of her questions about the functioning of a ceasefire. He asked: “How will these 30 days be used?

“Who will order to end the fights? At what price? Who decides who broke any possible ceasefire, more than 2,000 km? All these questions need meticulous work on both sides. Who polite it?”

What could be the snacks?

Asking on Sunday which concessions were considered in cease-fire negotiations, Trump said: “We will talk about land. We will talk about power plants […] We already talk about it, dividing certain assets. “”

The White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt also told the journalists on Monday that Trump was “determined” to conclude the peace agreement.

On what the talks could cover, she said: “There is a power plant on the border of Russia and Ukraine who was in discussion with the Ukrainians, and he will address his call with Putin tomorrow.”

The installation is probably the nuclear power plant for Zaporizhzhia, the largest in Europe. He has been occupied by Russian forces since March 2022, and fears of a nuclear accident persisted due to the fighting in the region.

Another area of ​​discord is the region of western Russia Kursk, where Ukraine launched a military foray last August and captured a territory.

Russia had pushed it back in recent weeks, and Putin now claims that it is completely back in Kursk's control.

He also raised many questions about how a ceasefire could be monitored and monitored along the front line to the east and said that he would not accept NATO troops on the territory.

How did the rest of the world react?

French President Macron and the newly elected Canadian Prime Minister Mark Carney, who met on Tuesday, stressed that their nations would continue their “unshakable” support to Ukraine and demand “clear commitments” in Russia.

In his night speech on Monday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Putin of prolonging the war.

“This proposal could have been implemented a long time ago,” he said, adding that “every day in wartime means a human life”.

Meanwhile, the United Kingdom and France have urged Putin to prove that he wants a peace agreement with Ukraine.

French President Emmanuel Macron praised Zelensky's “courage” by accepting a cease-fire proposal and put Russia to do the same.

“Enough deaths. Enough lives destroyed. Enough destruction. Weapons must be silent,” said Macron in an article on X.

British Foreign Minister David Lammy said Putin should accept a “full and unconditional ceasefire”, telling deputies that he had seen “no sign” that Putin was serious about a peace agreement.

He warned that the United Kingdom and its allies had “more cards than we can play” to help Russia to negotiate “seriously”.




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