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PM Modi rents Maha Kumbh in Parliament, the opposition raises questions

PM Modi rents Maha Kumbh in Parliament, the opposition raises questions



New Delhi:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke of the Kumbh, but did not pay tribute to the people killed in the January 29 Stampede at the rally, said opposition chief Rahul Gandhi. Addressing the media after the Prime Minister's speech to Lok Sabha, during which he thanked the inhabitants of Uttar Pradesh for their support for the organization of the Mega Rally in Prayagraj, Mr. Gandhi said: “I wanted to support what Prime Minister (Modi) said that Kumbh is our tradition, our history and our culture. Our only complaint is that the Prime Minister did not Kumbh. “

The head of the Congress added that young people expected work opportunities in Kumbh. “Thus, the Prime Minister had to talk about it,” he said. When the media asked him not to have the chance to speak, Mr. Gandhi replied: “According to the democratic structure, the leader of the opposition should have the opportunity to speak, but they will not leave us. This is new India.”

In his speech by Lok Sabha, the Prime Minister congratulated the administration of the Uttar Pradesh for having managed to welcome the Kumbh, which saw a massive frequency of more than 60 crores. “I would like to thank the public and the administration for the successful organization of the Mahakumbh. The success of the Mahakumbh is the result of the efforts of various people. I would like to thank everyone: the country's faithful, the public of the UP, in particular the inhabitants of Prayagraj. We all know that intense efforts have taken place to bring the ganga to the ground.

“The whole world has witnessed the great glory of Bharat through the Mahakumbh. It is because of the contribution of the people of the country. This Mahakumbh was inspired by the faith of the people, for the determination of the people. In this Mahakumbh, we saw the greatness of the awakening of our national conscience,” he said.

The Prime Minister said that the success of the big event had silenced doubts and fears expressed by “certain criticisms” on India's capacities. He said that the rally was a powerful demonstration of the potential and the resolution of the nation. “We felt the country's preparations for the following 1,000 years at the Ram Mandir ceremony, and today, a year later, the organization of the Maha Kumbh is reinforcing this same vision.”

“In the life of any nation, there are events that are part of its history, transcending time and becoming an example for future generations. The Maha Kumbh is such an event for India,” he said, stressing the importance of these national stages to strengthen the country's collective spirit.

“The greatness of the Maha Kumbh is a reflection of the awakening of our national conscience, and this is a powerful response to those who doubt our capacities,” he said.

The deputy for the Priyanka Congress Gandhi said that the opposition should have been authorized to speak of the Kumbh. “He (the Prime Minister) spoke optimistic about the Maha Kumbh. The opposition should also have the opportunity to present their point of view because the opposition also has feelings and they should not have a problem if we express ourselves. The opposition should also have been authorized to speak for two minutes,” she told journalists.

The 44 -day religious rally in Prayagraj has attracted pres of pilgrims and tourists across the country and in the world. However, a tragic event at the event was a jostling near the Sangam – the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati – January 29. According to the state government, 30 people died in the jostling and 60 others injured. Another tragedy took place in New Delhi station, where a huge rush to trains for Prayagraj led to a stampede, killing 18 people.




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