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Imane Khelif strikes Donald Trump and targets Olympic gold at the | Boxing

Imane Khelif strikes Donald Trump and targets Olympic gold at the | Boxing



Random Khelif said she was looking forward to defending her Olympic title in Los Angeles and will not be intimidated by Donald Trump. The 25 -year -old Algerian boxer, who won gold in the middle of the controversy and enormous media attention to the Paris Olympic Games last year, reported his intention to repeat the feat in 2028 and retaliated after Trump said that she was wrong that she was transgender in August.

In an interview with ITV News to broadcast on Wednesday evening, Khelif said: I will give you a simple response: the American president has issued a decision related to transgender policies in America. I am not transgender. It does not concern me and it does not intimidate me.

This came after Khelif interrupted a question about his dream of repeating his triumph, saying: the second gold medal, of course. In America, Los Angeles. The victory of Khelifs in Paris, as well as that of Taiwans Lin Yu Ting, sparked a debate on gender eligibility. High -level characters such as Trump, Elon Musk and JK Rowling have weighed.

Khelif, who launched a combination of cyber-harassment in August who appointed Musk and Rowling, revealed that she was deeply touched mentally by the great media campaign around her and said that her mother attended the hospital almost daily while her family shared the weight of the attacks.

The fury followed a decision of the International Olympic Committee (CIO) to reject the blood tests which had prompted the Disredit International Boxing Association (IBA) to disqualify Khelif and Lin of the World Championships in 2023.

Khelif said: As we say in Algeria, those who have nothing to hide should have no fear. The truth has become clear to the Paris Olympic Games, injustice was exposed and, later, the truth was recognized by the [IOC] in Paris.

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I see myself like a girl, like any other girl. I was born a girl, raised as a girl and I lived all my life as one. I have participated in many tournaments, including the Tokyo Olympic Games and other major competitions, as well as four world championships.

All of this took place before starting to win and win titles, but once I started to succeed, the campaigns against me started.

Last week, the outgoing president of the IOC, Thomas Bach, said that the row of the two boxers participating in the Olympic Games was based on a false campaign of News coming from Russia. He added: They were raised as women, they participated as women, they won and lost like all the other people.




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