How chips are made in the United States | CNBC marathon

CNBC Marathon explores various technological companies manufacturing fleas on American soil. Micron, Samsung and SK Hynix are responsible for making 90% of the Dram Worlds memory fleas, and Micron is the only one in the United States which has made it the last target of China prohibitions. However, Micron spends $ 115 billion to build the biggest chip in the history of the United States. CNBC visited Micron in Idaho and spoke to Governor Kathy Hochul in New York to hear about new Fabs. We also asked the head of the majority of the Senate Chuck Schumer de Micron before meeting Chinese President Xi Jinping. ARM beat expectations in its first post-OPO profile report in November 2023. Its low-power flea architecture is in almost all smartphones, replaced intellectual X86 processors in apple Mac computers and is the basis of PC Qualcomms PC processors and chips in the Amazon data center. CNBC went to Arm in Cambridge, England, to discover how it has become the largest IPO for years despite 20% of income from China, sales of difficulty smartphones and an attempted failure of $ 40 billion in Nvidia. Texas took first place as a center for the manufacture of American fleas. The Lone Star State has more semiconductors manufacturing factories than any other state, and six new projects will bring about $ 61 billion in investment and 8,000 jobs. The integrated circuit was invented in Texas over 60 years ago, and flea companies are attracted by low taxes, abundant land and Texas Chips Act of $ 1.4 billion adopted in June. CNBC obtained a rare look within three massive fleas fabs and visited the two largest projects under construction: Texas Instruments $ 30 billion north of Dallas and Samsungs $ 17 billion near Austin. Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 01:13 How the microns build the largest manufacturer of American fleas, despite China Ban (published in October 2023) 18:45 How Arm Powers Chips by Apple, Amazon, Google and More (published in November 2023) 34:32 How Texas became chipmaking hub (published in July 2023) Tarasover: Amy Marino, Evan Lee Superver Jeniece Pettitt Animation: Andrea Schmitz, Christina Locopo, Jason Reginato Camera: Tasia Jensen, Mickey Todiwala, Ben Farrar, Kent Kessinger, Sydney Boyo, Katie Brigham, Max Thurlow NXP, Office of Governor Kathy Hochul, Panda Power Funds, Samsung, Sk Hynix, Texas Instruments, TSMC
Sea, March 19, 2025 16:01:02 GMT
Sources 2/ https://www.cnbcafrica.com/2025/how-chips-are-made-in-the-u-s-cnbc-marathon/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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