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Trump draws the two Democratic commissioners from the Aitic Commerce Committee

Trump draws the two Democratic commissioners from the Aitic Commerce Committee



President of Trumpfiredtwo Democrat Commissioner at the Federal Trade Commission on Tuesday, in another major test of the independence of regulatory organizations.

A White House official confirmed the dismissals of the Democrats Alvaro Bedoya and Rebecca Kelly Slaughter after being reported for the first time by Reuters, but had no additional comments.

The layoffs have aroused strong criticism from the Democratic Senators and Antimonopole Groups concerned with the fact that this decision was designed to eliminate the opposition within the agency to large companies.

The illegal elimination of the Commission will allow fraudsters and monopolists, and consumers will pay the price, said senator Amy Klobuchar, a Minnesota democrat, in a statement.

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Forces flights in terms of consumer protection and antitrust laws, and has a bipartite structure where no more than three of the five commissioners can come from the same party.

Bedoya and Slaughter plan to continue to reverse the shots. It is a simple and simple corruption, said Bedoya in a press release on X.

Slaughter declared in a statement: the president illegally dismissed me from my post of commissioner for federal trade, violating the clear language of a law and the Supreme Court.

The FTCCHAIRMAN ANDREW FERGUSON, a Republican appointed to the Commission last year by the president of the time, Joe Biden and appointed president by Trump, said on Tuesday that he had no doubt about the Trump constitutional authority to withdraw the commissioners, which is necessary to ensure the democratic responsibility of our government.

The Federal Trade Commission will continue its tireless work to protect consumers, lower prices and police anti -competitive behavior, said Ferguson on X.

Mark Meador, a trumps chosen as the third republican of the commission, has not yet been confirmed by the Senate. It was not clear if the Trump administration planned to appoint replacement commissioners for the two who were dismissed. Theftccan bring or reject the business with only two commissioners.

White House control

Trump already has prosecution by licensed members from other independent agencies, including the National Labor Relations Board.

The Supreme Court in 1935 confirmed a law allowing offensors to dismiss for a good cause, as neglecting their functions. The power protects several independent and bipartite multi -party agencies from the direct command of the White House.

Two federal judges in Washington, DC, said that the dismissed trumps of the member of the NLRB Gwynne Wilcox and the member of the Merit Systems Protection Board, Cathy Harris, violated federal law.

The Trump administration adopted an extensive vision of the presidential power, and an executive order on February 18 gave the White House greater control over independent agencies.

Releases can complicate Fergusons trying to show theft creams that have committed to protecting consumers and competition in the American markets.

Commissioner Melissa Holyoak, the other Republican of the Commission, and Ferguson have been challenged in theft cases, accusing the largest pharmacy of the Diabetes Diabetes Diabetes Diabetes service managers to a more expensive insulin so that they can harvest millions of dollars as a discount of pharmaceutical companies.

Drusions raise uncertainty about how the fly will manage the case in the future.

Klobuchar told Reuters on Tuesday that even if she supported the appointment of Meadors before, she will not do it now.

I do not understand why when they dismiss people, we would support their commissioners again, she said.

Ferguson reiterated Agency's commitment to the management of large technological companies.

The agency is in the process of winning for the trial of a case against Meta platforms and two cases against Amazon. It also applies colonies linked to confidentiality with Meta and X.




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