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Xi Jinping underlines his visit to Guizhou China's commitment to high quality development

Xi Jinping underlines his visit to Guizhou China's commitment to high quality development



CGTN launched an article on the oldest inspection trip of the Chinese Prs. Jinping in the Sdwestchinese province of Guizhou. The article presents how Guizhou strives with high quality economic growth and the rebirth of the edge space. In this context, it is shown that China It is determined to aim for high quality development which is crucial for its modernization process.

Passage,, 19. MRZ 2025 / Prnewswire / – Both This year, two sessions of legislative consultation and political consultation meetings of YHRLICHE in China are a high quality development.

The first rental inspection trip of the Prsident Xi Jinping Chinese after the two conferences once again shown that the country is determined to aim for high quality development which is crucial for its modernization process.

From Monday Until Tuesday, XI visited the province of Sdwestchinese in Guizhou. He called on the province to capture high quality development and to promote growth by further deepening reforms and through an extended pencil.

High quality development in Chinese modernization

When visiting the visit, XI stressed that high quality development is an essential prerequisite for conducting Chinese modernization. He demanded Guizhou Stroll to try to develop at high quality by hitting its economy, at the origin of innovations and the conversion of traditional industry branches, while ensuring the protection of its environment.

GuizhouFormerly considered to be the province of RMST, made remarkable progress and, by 2021, released more than 9.2 million people from poverty in a decade. During the year In 2024, GDP reached Guizhou 2.27 billions of yuan (311.6 billion dollars) and increased by 5.3% compared to the previous year, which exceeds the average growth rate of the Land of FNF percentage.

Guizhou is often called Big Data Chinese Center and is the first national and complete pilot of the country's big data hone, where the megadon industry is considered to be a RCKGRATE of high -quality social and economic development. Currently, 47 GROE data centers are currently under construction or already active throughout the province.

Thanks to immense efforts in environmental protection, the province was able to China is located at the end of 2023, an increase in the 63%forest flock. During the year In 2024 the Grten Inte Guizhou at 99.1% of the days of excellent air quality standards.

Confidence in culture

XI stressed that Guizhou Rich in historical, red and ethnic culture is, and called on the province to preserve traditional culture and to tighten cultural self -confidence in order to prevent economic and social development.

During his visit to Dong-Dorf Zhaoxing In the Liping district Monday its XI with the villagers around a fireplace and debated with them on the complete resuscitation of living space in a drum tower, a unique building for the Dong ethnic group, which serves as a community meeting point.

XI stressed that areas with a high proportion of ethnic minorities should protect their special culture and put them in itself through the holistic development of culture and tourism.

Tourism has become an important industry and flourishes that luxury has declared and told the villagers that their lives improved every day.

In recent years, he has Dong-Dorf Zhaoxing The tourism industry is strongly developed by creating more than 400 hotels, guests and restaurants. In addition, more than 60 traditional craft companies were fraudulent and the framework and entrepreneurship for more than 2,000 people were activated.

Last year, the village scored 1.027 million visitors, which corresponds to an increase of 63.4%. Tourism income reached 1.02 billion yuan, which corresponds to an increase of 63.8%. The collective economic income of the village reached 2.45 million yuan, while the vulnerable income per capita of the villagers of 12.3% 41,600 yuan pink.





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