Jeremy Hunt strikes the hyperbolic claims of Brexit of donors like Boris Johnson

Former Chancellor Jeremy Hunt struck the Brexiteers who inflated the economic advantages of the departure of the Uks from the European Union.
Mr. Hunt, who voted in 2016, criticized what he described as some of the “more hyperbolic claims of certain Brexit donors – who included former Prime Minister Tory Boris Johnson.
But in a preface to a new report, Hunt also said that he thought that “many statements on the negative impact of Brexit on the economy were too exaggerated” and that the departure of the UKS had “much less impact on British exports to the EU”.

The report, by the reflection group on the exchange of policies, said that the analysis of the impact of Brexit had only examined the drop in the volume of exports and had not considered its value. For example, he said that if the number of vehicle exports is down 28% compared to 2019, the export value has only decreased by 2% during the same period.
Hunt called the Official Budget Liability Bureau (OBR) to examine the results when they update their models.
But the experts urged caution on the report, saying that it was cherry picking data.
Commercial expert, David Henig, said that it was a very selective selection of some examples to try to make a wider case in contradiction with all serious studies. He added: the overall figures have been clear on the commercial impacts, which are like the economy predicted. This study does not change this.
The OBR, the UKS independent financial watchdog, warned that Brexit is being reduced to British trade by 15%.
Naomi Smith, Director General of Best For For Britain, who camps for closer UE-UK ties, said: the former chancellor could chat on the extent of the damage caused by his party to British companies, but Person credible now supports that Brexit has been anything but a disaster, certainly not those that export.
What matters now is to solve the problems that Brexit has created and independent research show that a greater alignment with the EU can increase the British economy up to 2.2%.
Sir Nick Harvey, former Minister of the Government of Coalition and Managing Director of the group of the Pro-EU European UK Movement said: “This report by Policy Exchange does exactly what he accuses others of doing: trying to relaunch the Brexit debate.
“Their narrow concentration on trade, in particular the distinction they establish between the volume and the value of trade, neglect the broader economic damage of the catastrophic decision of 2016, the hiatus and the chaos which followed, as well as the disastrous impacts of investment and growth that have resulted.
“Like all their reports, this deserves serious attention and of course, everyone wants to see high -value exports. But the volume is also important, it is a measure of economic activity, with social impacts that result.
“There is a huge hole in the British economy following Brexit, as many studies have shown. Glorious opportunities in the world have not opened in the ways that have been promised. Since there is no possibility of joining the single market to soon, it is important for the government in its reset with the EU to focus on friction to our fruits.”
Meanwhile, the government is invited to put pressure for a new regulation with the EU to help companies develop and stimulate growth, in a call from the British chambers of commerce.
The director general Shevaun Haviland will also highlight the importance of strengthening British / American trade relations.
Sources 2/ https://www.the-independent.com/news/uk/politics/jeremy-hunt-brexiteers-boris-johnson-b2718133.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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