Tni Bill to legalize the placement of the active officer in Civil since the Jokowi era
Jakarta, Kompas.com – Governor of the National Defense Agency (Lemhannas) for 2022-2023, Andi WidjajantoDeclaring that the revision of the TNI law (bill) should not legalize the active officers of TNI who began to occupy civil posts since the time of the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi).
The practice apart from the provisions of the law (law) number 34 of 2004, he said, has been taking place for 10 years of Jokowi leadership.
“This technocratic revision for me is also the legalization of the placement of active officers who presented themselves during the period of Mr. Jokowi,” said Andi in the One Forum table on Kompas TV, Wednesday 3/19/2025).
He also cited several civilian posts which were not previously regulated by law, in reality they were occupied by the active army.
Read also: Acute projectors on the TNI bill which has been adopted today: the threat of the double function of shelter and the reduction of civil supremacy
For example, the position at the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) which, in the TNI 2004 law, was not previously listed.
“In article 47 the original, there is no disaster, now it is high, BNPB,” said Andi.
“In article 47, there is also no cyber-word, what is a password, now the word cyber is high to be a cyber defense,” he continued.
It is only what it is, according to Andi, there are still many civil posts that have been filled by the TNI since the Jokowi era which will be legalized by the TNI bill this time.
However, he continued, in the future, the TNI Bill would be a big question mark on the paradigm of the extent to which the soldiers played a role in aid to civil tasks.
“Well, later, the debate of the paradigm is the TNI plays a role on the border? Player.
Read also: Tni Bill Protend of retirement age, ex-Governor of Lemhanas: and if there is an accumulation of officers?
For more information, the TNI bill will be adopted in law (law) today, Thursday 3/20/2025) in the DPR despite the protests of certain parties.
This bill is considered to have gone through a lightning process as quickly as lightning.
There is even a closed impression.
The modifications made to the TNI N ° 34 law of 2004 will include the addition of the age of the Ministry of Signing the Label of the placement of active soldiers in ministries / institutions.
More specifically, this revision aims to determine the addition of the age of the Ministry of Tradition up to 58 years for Bintara and Tamtama, while the service period for officers can reach the age of 60.
In addition, the official period may be extended up to 65 years for soldiers who occupy functional positions.
SO, Revision of the TNI law will also modify the placement rules of soldiers active in ministries / institutions, given the growing need for the placement of TNI soldiers in ministries / institutions.
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Sources 2/ https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2025/03/20/06184821/eks-gubernur-lemhanas-ruu-tni-untuk-legalkan-penempatan-perwira-aktif-di The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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