Trump-Putin's call: What they have accepted and what is the next for Ukraine war | Donald Trump News

Russia and Ukraine blame itself for continuous air attacks against civilian targets in the Ukrainian regions Sumy and Donetsk and on energy targets in Russia Krasnodar since Russian President Vladimir Putin has agreed with a 30 -day stop on attacks against energy infrastructure on Tuesday.
Will the stop on energy attacks be the first step to ensure peace in Ukraine, or was it just a dropout tactic to let the war hang out? Here is what we know so far.
What did Trump and Putin accepted? What did they accept?
Trump and Putin had a long telephone call in which they discussed the current Russian war with Ukraine.
Following the call, the White House and the Kremlin announced that the two leaders were satisfied with a 30 -day break on attacks against energy infrastructure objectives in Russia and Ukraine.
However, Putin has stopped designing to stop stopping missiles, drones and bombs in the Black Sea and through the front line. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy accepted the 30-day Trump-day ceasefire proposal on March 11.
Russia and the United States have said that it would start talks according to the conditions of a ceasefire in the Black Sea.
There were some differences between the declarations published by the White House and the Kremlin, leading to uncertainty among observers and analysts. In particular, Russia included several requests in its declaration while the White House made no reference to them.
There are many things we don't know because there is a difference between what the White House and the Kremlin have reported to this call, told Al Jazeera Keir Giles, member of the main council at the Chatham House Think Tank, based in London.
Currently, peace seems more distant from Russia's additional requests, said Giles.
What does the White House say?
The declaration of the White House is shorter than that published by the Kremlin and does not represent the requests made by Putin to obtain a complete cease-fire. The declaration includes the following elements:
Trump and Putin have agreed that the conflict must end and that sustainable peace must be established. The blood and the treasure that Ukraine and Russia spend in this war would be better spent for the needs of their people, the press release said. The United States and Russia will expand their bilateral relationship. Although improving peace will start with a stop on the targeting of energy infrastructure, technical negotiations will start immediately in the Middle East to bring maritime peace to the Black Sea, as well as a complete cease-fire and permanent peace. A specific location was not given for these talks, but in February and March, the mediators of the United States met separately from the representatives of Russia and Ukraine in Saudi Arabia. The two leaders discussed cooperation on their approach to the Middle East to prevent future conflicts and have agreed that Iran should never be able to destroy Israel. What does the Kremlin say?
According to the Kremlin Declaration, Putin established a series of conditions to be fulfilled before the parties could move towards a cease-fire through the Russian-Ukraine front line. Kremlins' declaration included the following:
Putin expressed her gratitude to Trump for his desire to help end the war. The United States and Russia will endeavor to improve bilateral links. Putin accepted Trumps' demand for a 30 -day break on attacks against energy infrastructure and immediately ordered the Russian army to follow. The Russian president expressed a fundamental commitment to a peaceful resolution of the Ukraine War in collaboration with his American partners, which would be long -term and sustainable. Russian and American groups of experts are created to develop terms for a regulation in Ukraine. To make a cease-fire through the contact line, Moscow raised concerns concerning the rearmament of Ukrainian forces, as well as forced mobilization, referring to the affirmations that Ukrainian men were collected and forced to enlist in the army. The declaration said that barbaric terrorist crimes had been committed by the Ukrainian army against civilians in Kursk. He also said that the key condition for resolving the conflict would be a complete cessation of foreign military aid and intelligence sharing with Ukraine. The declaration does not specify if this would apply to the aid sent by the United States or other allies of Ukraine as well. In response to Trumps, call the lives of Ukrainian soldiers in Kursk, Putin said that Russia was ready to guarantee the life and decent treatment of Ukrainian troops in accordance with Russian and international law if they go. There will be negotiations between the United States and Russia to develop details for a ceasefire in the Black Sea. The Russian declaration does not specify whether Ukraine or other European nations would be included. An exchange of prisoners will take place on Wednesday, through which 175 Russians and 175 Ukrainians will be released. In addition, 23 injured Ukrainian soldiers who receive treatment in Russian medical facilities will be delivered. Until now, there has been no news of such an exchange that takes place. The United States and Russia will make combined efforts to stabilize the situation in the Middle East. How did Zelenskyy replied?
The Ukrainian president said kyiv would support any attempt to bring peace to the region, but added that he wanted to see specific details of Trump.
We must understand what we support exactly, he said in a video message.
Calling Trump A busy man, Zelenskyy continued when [Trump] has time, he can call me whenever we are ready to talk about other steps.
In reference to the requirements of Poutines for a cessation of military assistance and intelligence to Ukraine, Zelenskyy, at a press conference with Finnish president Alexander Stubb on Wednesday, said: I do not think that we should make concessions in terms of help for Ukraine, but rather that there should be an increase in help for Ukraine.
After an ardent meeting in the oval office between Trump and Zelenskyy on February 28, in which the Ukrainian chief was reprimanded for not having shown enough gratitude in the United States for his aid, Washington paused military aid and intelligence with Ukraine. This aid was restored when Washington and kyiv accepted the conditions of peace on March 11. Experts said that this aid was crucial for kyiv and that its suspension temporarily left a gap that could not be filled by the Ukrainian European allies.
Zelenskyy added that he would speak to Trump later Wednesday to get more details on the phone call with Putin.
What happened since Trump and Putin spoke?
In an article on his X account on Tuesday, Zelenskyy wrote that Russian drones had struck civil infrastructure, including a hospital in Sumy, as well as cities in the Donetsk region.
It is these types of night attacks in Russia that destroy our energy sector, our infrastructure and the normal life of the Ukrainians, Zelenskyy wrote.
Today, Putin has actually rejected the proposal for a complete ceasefire. It would be right that the world responds by rejecting any attempt by Putin to prolong the war, he wrote, adding that sanctions should be imposed against Russia and that assistance should be provided to Ukraine.
Only a real cessation of strikes on civil infrastructure by Russia, such as proof of its desire to put an end to this war, can bring peace closer.
On Wednesday, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that Ukraine had attacked an energy installation in the south of the Krasnodar Russia region.
What energy infrastructure was targeted in Russia and Ukraine?
In early March 2022, Russian troops occupied the Zaphorizhzhia nuclear power plant, the largest Europe, in southeast Ukraine. The power plant has six reactors with a capacity of 1 gigawatt each. In September 2022, hostilities near the site prompted Energoatom, the Ukrainian state agency in charge of the factory, to close the last reactor.
In retaliation, Ukraine has targeted Russian oil refineries and industrial sites. These attacks have increased since January. Ukraine has also targeted oil and gas pipelines from Russia and pumping stations. In February, the refineries were hardly affected, having an impact on around 10% of the Russian refining capacity, the calculations carried out by the Reuters news agency on the basis of the traders' data showed.
It is clear that the damage that Ukraine has caused to Russian energy infrastructure is something that Russia wants to stop, said Giles.
Sources 2/ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2025/3/19/trump-putin-call-what-they-agreed-to-and-whats-next-for-ukraine-war The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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