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North Korea Secret Wine Trade: How the Kim Jong Uns diet has become an important wine buyer

North Korea Secret Wine Trade: How the Kim Jong Uns diet has become an important wine buyer



It is one of the most secret and most secret diets, but North Korea has become an unlikely destination for wine exports in China.

It is one of the most secret and most secret diets, but North Korea has become an unlikely destination for wine exports in China.

According to newly published Chinese customs data, North Korea imported a wine value of US $ 71,376 from China in 2024, making it one of the best buyers of Chinese bottles. The country ranked second in volume among the Chinese export destinations, important 233,245 liters, dragging only Hong Kong. In value, he ranked fourth, behind Hong Kong, France and Macao.

The figures reveal a sharp decline compared to 2023, when imports of North Korea wines from China increased to 459,996 liters and 2.15 million US dollars, an increase of 217% and 169.87% in annual sliding, respectively. The sudden increase and the subsequent decrease raise questions about the reasons why a nation under strict international sanctions imports large quantities of vain and which drinks it.

Why does North Korea matter so much wine?

Unlike the United States, Japan and South Korea, which have prohibited exports of luxury products to North Korea, including alcoholic beverages have not imposed similar restrictions, according to the South Korean media. This made China a crucial supplier of wine and spirits to the ruling elite of North Korea, even if sanctions are tightening elsewhere.

It is not clear if the wine exported to North Korea is produced in China or a foreign wine re -exported by Chinese intermediaries. Guangdong Alcohol Industry Association previously noted that many foreign wines reach North Korea across China. A 2022 report of the association said that most of the wines and spirits exported to North Korea come from South America and Europe and are shipped from the areas stuck in the Liaoning province.

A market for the elite, not the masses

North Korea is one of the poorest and most isolated economies in the world, with a large part of its population faced with chronic food shortages. Given these conditions, industry analysts claim that it is unlikely that imported wine will be widely available for ordinary North Koreans. Instead, purchases seem to respond to the country's political elite.

Wine researcher previously reported That North Korean users are regularly looking for information on wine on its platform. Although they travel the mid -range Bordeaux wines at a price of around $ 20 US, they also frequently look for high -end labels like Ptrus and Chteau Margaux. The site noted that taking into account the narrow internet restrictions of North Korea, monthly research over 30 years old is likely from the inner circle of Kim Jong Uns or senior government officials.

Kim Jong Uns Taste for good wine and restaurants

Despite a close control over her private life, Kim Jong-un has long been associated with a taste for food and luxury wine.

During the 2019 United States Summit in the United States in Hanoi, Australian chief Paul SmartWho supervised the restoration of events, revealed that Kim was very special about the quality of food and preparation methods. The North Korean leader has personally selected the high-end North Korean beef for a meal shared with the president of the time, Donald Trump.

Kim had rare medium to rare, very rare ”, he Tell AFP. “And Trump had done well,” said Smart. Kim wanted the natural flavors of the meat to stand out.

Wine has long been a favorite among the ruling family of North Korea. The former personal chief of Kims Kenji Fujimoto has says it Kim inherited his fathers for Bordeaux wine and Cognac, in accordance with the data of wine researchers on North Korean wine research. Fujimoto also recalled that Kim often shared expensive Bordeaux wines in banquets and would have a particular penchant for champagne, drinking two bottles of Louis Roederer Cristal champagne per meal.

Sanctions and challenges of north Korea wines

Kims leaning for high -end wine has faced growing obstacles due to the tightening of international sanctions.

While the 2016 United Nations sanctions against North Korea (Resolution 2270) do not explicitly prohibit wine exports, many countries have imposed their own restrictions. The European Union widened its sanctions in 2017 to include wine, champagne, beer and sake Among the 22 luxury items prohibited, which makes North Korea difficult to obtain fine wines directly from European suppliers.

China, however, has not implemented similar restrictions. In February 2024, the spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry Guo Jiakun said that China supports continuous exchanges and cooperation with North Korea in various sectors. While North Korea faces growing difficulties in securing wine through other channels, China remains one of its most accessible suppliers.

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