Imran questions logic behind the manufacture of “enemy” of Afghanistan

Islamabad: incarcerated the founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-insaf (PTI), Imran Khan, questioned the logic of governments to make an enemy of neighboring Afghanistan, asking why (government) you try to trigger a war with the Muslim Brotherhood.
“Afghanistan is not our enemy and why do (leaders) try to do our enemy?” Said Aleema Khan, quoted his brother speaking to the media outside the Adiala prison in Rawalpindi.
Quoting Imran Khan in the media, she said: Why are you trying to trigger a war with the Muslim Brotherhood?
She noted that the founder of the PTI said that his party would only participate in a meeting of the National Security Committee with his permission.
Answering a question, however, Aleema said that Imran stressed that terrorism attacks had dropped by 2021 but that increased in 2022.
The alleged remarks of the founder of the PTI came the day after the civilian and military leaders of the country have summoned themselves into a parliamentary parliamentary commission in the camera to reflect on the growing incidents of terrorism, in particular in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan.
The meeting was followed by Prime Minister Shehbaz, Chief of the Staff of the Army (COAS) Asim Munnir, Director General of Intelligence between Inter-Service Services (DG ISI), Lieutenant-General Asim Malik, chief ministers of the four provinces and other senior officials.
However, several key personalities, including the Minister of the Interior, Mohin Naqvi, the opposition chief Na Omar Ayub and the members of Pakistan Tehreek-E-insaf (PTI) jumped the high-level group.
Participants were informed by the military management of the country's overall security situation.
The high-level group occurs a few days after the painful attack last week by the militants of the Balutchistan Liberation Army (BLA) who were in contact with their neighboring Afghanistan managers exploded railways and held more than 440 hostage passengers in a day conflict with security services in a distant mountain pass in the district of Bolan.
The closed -door meeting must also be taken in the context of alarming statistics revealed in the Global Terrorism Index 2025 report which places Pakistan as the second country affected by terrorism.
In addition to exhorting the United Nations Security Council (CSNU) to prioritize action against terrorism inside or from Afghanistan, Islamabad reported the possibility of cross -border operations in the neighboring country.
“If we have to use a hot pursuit and enter [Afghanistan] To eliminate our enemies, we will do it, “said the defense tsar.
Sources 2/ https://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2025/03/19/imran-calls-into-question-logic-behind-making-enemy-out-of-afghanistan/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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