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Thousands of people protest against the arrest of the mayor of Istanbul seen as a key rival Erdoan

Thousands of people protest against the arrest of the mayor of Istanbul seen as a key rival Erdoan



The authorities closed the roads and implemented a prohibition of four -day demonstration in order to prevent demonstrations after the arrest of Ekrem Mamolu.


Thousands of demonstrators went down on the streets of Istanbul on Thursday after the arrest of the mayor of the city Ekrem Mamolu. The opposition figure is considered a key rival to President Recep Tayyip Erdoan.

Several roads had been closed, certain social media platforms have been limited and a four -day demonstration ban was set up to try to thwart the demonstrations.

However, despite the ban, many gathered outside the Istanbuls police headquarters, the Town Hall and outside the headquarters of the Mamolu Republican Popular Party (CHP).

A demonstrator called the “illegal” and “baseless” arrest.

“It is not democracy. It is an imposture of democracy. The people do not deserve this. We are upset of course. As human beings, we are upset,” he said.

Riot was checked on the roads leading to the security service of Vatan, where the mayor was taken after his arrest.

Mamolu is a popular opposition leader and the main rival of President Recep Tayyip Erdoan. A total of 100 people, including the mayor and several other leading figures, were arrested.

Mamolu and his collaborators are suspected of alleged corruption, including extortion and fraud, as well as helping the Kurdistan worker's party (PKK), a prohibited party classified as a terrorist organization by Ankara, Washington and other Turkish allies.

Mamolu's arrest occurs in the midst of a broader repression of opposition personalities, who was criticized as a political motivation in order to silence dissent.

One day earlier, the University of Istanbul revised the mayor's baccalaureate, a requirement to present itself in the elections under Turkish law.

Speaking at a press conference on Wednesday, the Party of the Republican Peoples (CHP) of Leader Zgr Zel reflected criticism. He said that Erdogan, who suffered significant losses in local elections last year, targeted Mamolu while he was afraid of losing against him in the ballots.

Zel also accused the authorities of a “coup attempt”.

“They can do any harm. We are ready for any harm they can do. Because it is clear that the question is not a political struggle, but a question of existence or non-existence for the country,” he added.

Turkish Minister of Justice, Yilmaz Tunc, at the allegations and recalled that the courts operated independently.

“Characterizing the surveys carried out by a impartial and independent judicial system as something like a coup, or using similar terms is extremely dangerous and incorrect,” said Tunc.


The Minister of Justice stressed that the judiciary “does not take anyone's instructions”.

“Link of surveys and cases initiated by the judiciary to our president is, at best, presumptuous and inappropriate. The separation of powers between the legislative, executive and judicial assembly is essential in our country,” he concluded.

Von der Leyen reminds Turkey his obligation to maintain democracy

On Tuesday, the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, expressed a deep concern in the face of the arrest of Mamolu and recalled to Turkey her obligation to maintain democratic values.

“Turkey is and an EU candidate country, Turkey must maintain democratic values, in particular the rights of elected officials,” said Von Der Leyen in Brussels in Brussels.


“We want Turkey to remain anchored in Europe, but this requires a clear commitment to democratic standards and practices, and it is essential that Turkey respects these fundamental principles,” she added.




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