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Boris Johnson on Trump's conversations with Putin: he has us

Boris Johnson on Trump's conversations with Putin: he has us



Even a week ago, Boris Johnson, known for his sympathy for the American president, this Peenwiary in his beef. Now the British Prime Minister criticizes the effects of Donald Trump's Tuesday's conversation with Wadimir Putin Tuesday. “He does not negotiate. He has” – he talks about the dictator.

“C for a surprise. Putin will reject the unconditional weapon suspension”-he wrote on Tuesday on the X Boris Johnson platform. In addition to honor of the Oscara of the Russian president concerning the bombarding and growing Ukrainian losses. “(Putin) wants to disarm Ukraine. He wants to neutralize Ukraine. He wants to make Ukraine a vassal of Russia. He does not negotiate. He” explains the Prime Minister of Great Britain. His publication article a few hours after the conversation between Donald Trump and Wadimir Putin's conversation.

Boris Johnson

Many European policies have been carried out in the effect of conversation. – Attacks against civil infrastructure in the first night after this alleged and great telephone conversation, and not on the section – notes on TV ZDF Boris Pistorius, the Minister of Defense of Germany. Its Czech equivalent Jan Lipavsky will note that “the conversation does not bring a significant pokie”. Boris Johnson's GOS critics are a surprise for many. The Prime Minister of Great Britain would not hide their sympathy, like Darzdonald Trump.

As the magazine “Politico” noted, the two policies often relations that they have exchanged with private telephone numbers. Johnson has repeatedly completed the American president and the previous week ensures the faith in his gentlemen in the “Daily Mail” AM. “One of the reasons why I have always been more favorable than many focusing on Trump's presidency is that I trust, and he has an appropriate assault (to exert pressure on put.)” – He writes in a column published there. “I trust and I think Trump will hit the hard hard” – add Johnson to a cult different from the text.

See these: Talking Zkremlem. “First round for Putin”

Donald Trump I Boris Johnson W 2019 RokuFacundo Arrizabalaga / EPA / PAP

But even in this text, despite the tone favorable to the comrade, there are several bitters in the United States. A politician is relieved, among other things to the questions duplicated by the American administration of suggestions that Ukraine is a compliant Russian invasion. These Sowa Johnson will refer to “a complete distortion of historical reality” or “Bujd”. Write on the refusals of the mosquito, mention them on the “moral lobotomy”. The commentators of the islands wonder if the attention of Prime Minister Wiadcz on a change in the way he assesses Donald Trump.

Trump's conversation with the Russian dictator does not bring about arms suspension, but only a 30 -day interruption in attacks against Ukraine infrastructure on Trump does not bring. Anyway, the rockets, the balls and the drones are small afterwards. During this one, these larger peace plans and the idea of ​​organizing an American-Russian hockey match were intensified. According to the message from the Kremlin, the question of the captured suspension of Western military assistance for Ukraine has been raised. However, Donald Trump will deny this assertion in an interview with Fox News. The president will generally present talks with Putin as “very good and productive”.

Daily mail, independent,

RDO of the main photo:Facundo Arrizabalaga / EPA / PAP




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