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Chuck Schumer hung on to the belief that the Republicans would expel Trump, says the book | Books

Chuck Schumer hung on to the belief that the Republicans would expel Trump, says the book | Books



Chuck Schumer, the chief of the minority of the Democratic Senate, insisted that the Republicans would go from Donald Trump and return to a previous version of the party, even if Trumps returned to power last, according to the authors of a new book on politics during the Biden administration.

The revelation occurs while the trumps of the second mandate began in a wave of radical policy movements that rocked the political landscape of the USS and triggered the fears of a slide in authoritarianism. This also comes in the midst of serious democratic reactions against Schumer for having omitted to provide sufficiently rigid resistance to the actions of the prevail over the prevail.

Schumer told Annie Karni and Luke Broadwater: Heres my hope after this election, when the Republican Party expels the Donald Trump wave, it will amount to the former republican party.

This insult can cause a splash in the White House in the light of Schumer's abuse, who, according to him, said that last week was no longer Jewish, on the response of senators to anti-Israeli demonstrations.

According to Karni and Broadwater, from the New York Times, Schumer rendered his judgment on a glass of wine one evening in June 2023. With hindsight, the authors added: if Schumer had seen all this coming, he had not wanted to face it.

They refer to events since Trumps won Kamala Harris in November, in particular the appointment of extremists to key roles and the attack on the federal government, assisted by Elon Musk.

The former Republican Party was leaving and the new Magi Guard remained, write the authors.

Mad House: How Donald Trump, Maga Mean Girls, a former second -hand car seller, a baby from Florida Nepo and a man with rats in his walls broke the congress. Photography: Random House

Mad House: How Donald Trump, Maga Mean Girls, a former second -hand car seller, a baby from Florida Népo and a man with rats in his walls have broken the congress, will be published next Tuesday. The Guardian obtained a copy.

The Times directed extracts, in good place on the way Schumer sat with Joe Biden last July and told him that he had to give up the presidential appointment, a little more than 100 days after the election day, a disastrous debate having convinced the own feast of Bidens that he was too old to continue.

But it is now that Schumers turns under the spotlight, under the fire of his own party. Last week, Schumer first declared that the Democrats would not help the Republicans to prevent a government closure, then reversed and supported the GOP budget. Enough Democrats followed so that the measure has passed, promising more draconian cuts.

Schumer told Times that he knew there would be divisions, but insisted that we are all unified to prosecute Trump. But on Monday, in the middle of heavy shots of numbers, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the progressive deputy of many want to challenge Schumer for his Senate seat, Schumer canceled a tour for his own book, Antisemism in America: A Warning.

Karni and Broadwater cite another Democratic senator, Chris Murphy du Connecticut, who has led Trump and who consider that many consider a leader of the pending Senate. Murphy was willing to entertain Schumer's theory of the case on a republican party saved from Trumpism, write the authors. But he did not buy it himself.

There are many examples of companies captured by an singularly unique and healthy individual demagogue after this person has disappeared, says Murphy. I don't know. I am not as optimistic as [Schumer] East. I am concerned that there is a rot at the heart of the country which will continue to be exposed politically.

Today aged 74, Schumer entered Congress in 1981. A senator since 1999, he became a minority leader in 2016 and was a majority leader of 2021 this year.

Karni and Broadwater describe a 2013 dinner in The Palm, a steakhouse assured in Washington, between Schumer, the republican of South Caroline Lindsey Graham, and the far -right shocked Rush Limbaugh.

Schumer indicates that he will vote against the closure to “minimize damage to the video of the American people

The meeting was negotiated by the baron of the right -wing media Rupert Murdoch, so that the senators can sell Limbaugh on the immigration reform which offered a path to citizenship to millions of undocumented migrants.

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Limbaugh refused to support him, then Murdoch also fell, taking Fox News with him. The Republicans, according to Schumer, were led by the listeners who had fully joined the baseless affirmations and the toxic rumors peddled by Limbaugh. The reform failed. Shortly after, Trump grabbed the GOP.

Schumer discussed this fateful dinner with his shoes in his office in the Senate one evening in June 2023 not having crackled gluten-free and serving what he called his special white wine, the one he later conceded that he did not know much: he had been chosen by his wife.

Trump had just been charged a second time on his retention of classified files. Schumer did not think that it was not matter a little during the presidential election, write the authors. On this point, he would have proven himself.

Schumer also thought about voters who support Trump, wondering why a New York theoretical firefighter should be so angry when he had such a comfortable life. Schumer applied that the firefighter was made so crazy by this technological revolution and the loss that followed from the family, the community, religion.

Trump, who is a evil sorcerer, enters, he says, I can recover this old world.

But according to Karni and Broadwater, Schumer did not host such realism about the Trumps party.

Despite all the contrary facts, it was a fundamental belief of Schumers that politics in America recaliburs after Trump left the scene. By driving through Brooklyn for months before the overwhelming electoral cycle, Schumer repeated the feeling.

Schumer thought that 25 Republican senators were afraid of Trump but these people, if Trump left, will come back.

Karni and Broadwater add: Schumer was optimistic about everything, especially after the Dramatic outing of Bidens of the race.

He liked to tell people that Robert Caro, the famous biographer of President Lyndon B Johnson, had referred to him to Schumer, like the Jewish LBJ. Thus, he was fantasized that the Democrats win everything, the White House, the Senate and the Dysfunctional Chamber and the flight of the progressive legislation which would do it up to the nickname. The only thing I would really like to do is the immigration reform, he said. He still thought of the failure of 2013 if this bill had been adopted, he said, the country would be a different place.

But it was never going to be so simple, because nothing is ever.




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