What Trump and Putin talked about during their one -hour phone call

They talked about fighting in Ukraine, of course. But Theu.s. And the Russian presidents also discussed the improvement of relations between Washington and Moscow, peace in the Middle East, world security and Evenhockey games.
During the more thantwo-hour conversation, the longest call of this type between the heads of countries in years, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin have covered a range of subjects. And especially for Putin, the conversation gave him a chance to detach himself from the war in Ukraine and to engage more broadly on the global problems, traces a line under the past efforts of Washingtons to launch it as an international pariah.
Watch: Trump and Putin agree to take a break on energy infrastructure in the Ukraine War
Tuesday's telephone call seemed to reflect the two leaders interested in repairing the American-Russian links that dropped at their lowest point since the Cold War in the middle of the 3-year conflict in Ukraine. The Kremlin and the Russian media controlled by the State have congratulated him as a long launch of an equal dialogue between the two nuclear superpowers.
A stop of fighting in Ukraine seems as distant as ever
While the White House and the Kremlin threw the discussion as a key step towards Peace in Ukraine, the poutines without compromise requirements make an truck elusive.
Seeking to cultivate hot links with Washington, Putin accepted the strikes on energy infrastructure while avoiding outright rejection of the Trump 30-day ceasefire. The chief of the Kremlin linked it to the cessation of Western weapons supplies and a frost on the conditions of effort to mobilize Kievs that Ukraine and his allies firmly reject.
Unlike Kyiv, who accepted Trumps' ceasefire offer in the middle of a setback of the battlefield, Putin seems to have little interest in a rapid cessation of hostilities, the Russian forces firmly holding the initiative on the battlefield.
Watch: Putin responds to the proposal for the American ceasefire with his own requests
Ukraine is about to completely lose its foot in the Kursk Russia region, where its forces cling to a earth ribbon along the border after their surprise foray into August 2024. The Russia offensive broke the hopes of kyiv de Moscow elsewhere in Ukraine.
Putin said the Ukrainian forces that remain in Kursk are surrounded by a statement reproached by Trump even if Kyiv denied that his soldiers are surrounded.
Ukrainian officials fear that Russia can try to attack the neighboring Sumy region that borders Kursk. At the same time, the Russian army puts pressure on offensives in several sectors of the Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine.
By rendering the conditional ceasefire to a freezing of arms supplies to Ukraine and its mobilization effort, Putin tries to cement Russian gains and to force kyiv to engrave Moscow requests. He wants Ukraine to withdraw his forces from the four regions that Russia has illegally annexed but never fully captured, renounces his attempt to join NATO and radically cut his soldiers.
Putin's acceptance of the stopping of the strikes on Ukraine energy facilities has enabled Trump to claim at least a partial success for his peace creation efforts, but this decision was not a major Moscow concession, given the massive damage to the electrical networks of Ukraine of the years of attack.
Discussion between two superpowers
While trying to extend his military gains in Ukraine to dictate the terms of peace, Putin also used the call to remove the discussion of a ceasefire from other global questions. He seemed to gain Trumps' interest.
The White House declared in its reading of the call that leaders spoke largely of the Middle East as a potential cooperation region to prevent future conflicts, discussed the need to end the proliferation of strategic weapons and have agreed that a future with an improved bilateral relationship between the United States and Russia has an enormous increase.
This includes enormous economic agreements and geopolitical stability when peace has been reached, he said.
The American special envoy Steve Witkoff, who flew for Moscow last week to meet Putin, congratulated the two leaders and offered the optimism that the Kremlin was moving towards a wider truce.
I congratulate President Putin for everything he did today during this call to move his country near a last peace agreement, Witkoff told Fox News Channel. And I would give President Trump all the credit. … I cannot overestimate how convincing it was on this call.
Watch: Experts analyze Ukraine ceasefire negotiations and what Putin wants from the United States
Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov stressed that Putin and Trump understand each other, trust each other and intend to gradually move towards the normalization of Russian-American relations.
Russian state television and other controlled media in Kremlin praised the call as an evolution towards a large cooperation between Moscow and Washington.
The Tabloid Pro-Kremlin Komsomolskaya Pravda noted that the standardization of relations between two nuclear superpowers was on the agenda, and the state agency Ria Novosti pointed out relations with the evolving partners between the United States and Russia.
This format is online with a new vision of a multipolar world which is apparently shared by the White House and the Kremlin, he said.
Tatiana Stanovaya of the Endowment Carnegie said that the most important result was the implicit acceptance of American-Russian cooperation on the main international and bilateral problems.
She added that this marks an obvious victory for Putin, who seeks to decouple the bilateral relations of the Ukraine War.
Russia's in progress continues, said Stanovaya in a comment, even noting an agreement on Putin's proposal to organize hockey matches between Russian and American players.
Ukraine and Europe take a rear place
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy responded to Putin-Trump's call warning that “trying to negotiate without Ukraine, in my opinion, will not be productive.
Trump called Zelenskyyyforabout one hour on Wednesday and said in an article on social networks that the conversation was to align Russia and Ukraine in terms of their requests and their needs.
The creation of American and Russian working groups to reflect on the details of the ceasefire and a possible case on the guarantee of the shipping in complete safety in the Black Sea which was mentioned in the reading of the Kremlin of the call of Trump-Putin marked another evolution towards the discussion of the fate of Ukraine in its absence, by upsetting the policy of administration of Biden of nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine.
The conversation did not bring good news to kyiv or in Europe, which clearly ignored, said Fyodor Lukyanov, a political analyst based in Moscow familiar with the thought of the Kremlin. Two major powers discuss the regulations while paying little attention to the others.
Stanovaya noted that Putin discouraged the discussion of the ceasefire while giving little back.
This is very bad news for Ukraine, which is increasingly treated as a negotiation chip in this game, she said.
Nigel Gould-Davies, main member of Russia and Eurasia at the International Institute of Strategic Studies, deplored affinity or sympathy towards Putin and his reluctance to punish Russia considerably or forced Russia, which allows the chief of Kremlin to stick politically.
Russia wants to decide the fate of Ukraine and finally Europe, with the United States alone, without any other negotiation partner, he said.
I cannot think of another period in my lifetime when diplomacy was so upset in such a brief space of time, he said, noting that the nearest example was in the 1980s when Mikhail Gorbachev was the leader of the Soviet Union.
While it took four years to abandon the longtime Soviet commitments in Eastern Europe, “said Gould Davies,” it took four weeks in the United States to question fundamental and long-standing commitments in Europe.
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