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Trump to order a plan to close the education department

Trump to order a plan to close the education department



The president of Washington (AP), Donald Trump, plans to sign an executive decree which calls for the closure of the American education department Thursday, according to a White House manager, advancing a campaign promise to eliminate an agency which was a long -standing target of the Conservatives.

The manager spoke under the cover of anonymity before an advertisement.

Trump ridiculed the Ministry of Education as a waste and polluted by liberal ideology. However, the finalization of his dismantling is probably impossible without an act of congress, which created the department in 1979.

An information sheet from the White House said that the order would order secretary Linda McMahon to take all the measures necessary to facilitate the closure (de) the Ministry of Education and Return Authority for States Education, while continuing to ensure the effective and uninterrupted service of services, programs and benefits on which the Americans count.

The Secretary of Education Linda McMahon arrives before President Donald Trump treats a joint session of the Congress at the Capitole in Washington, Tuesday March 4, 2025. (AP Photo / Ben Curtis)

The Secretary of Education Linda McMahon arrives before President Donald Trump treats a joint session of the Congress at the Capitole in Washington, Tuesday March 4, 2025. (AP Photo / Ben Curtis)

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The Trump administration has already emptied the agency. His workforce is reduced in two and there have been deep cuts at the Office of Civil Rights and the Institute of Education Sciences, which collects data on the academic progress of nations.

The defenders of public schools said that the elimination of the department would leave children in a fundamentally uneven American education system.

This does not repair education. It is by ensuring that millions of children never get a fair blow. And were not about to let this happen without fighting, said the national parents' union in a statement.

The White House has not officially set out the functions of the department which could be transmitted to other departments, or completely eliminated. During its confirmation audience, McMahon said that it would preserve basic initiatives, including title I money for low -income schools and PELL subsidies for low -income students. The objective of the administration, she said, would be a better ministry of education that works.

The ministry sends billions of dollars a year to schools and oversees $ 1.6 billion of federal student loans.

Currently, a large part of Agencys work is around the management of money both of its vast portfolio of student loans and a range of assistance programs for colleges and school districts, school meals to support homeless students. The agency also plays an important role in supervising the application of civil rights.

Federal funding represents a relatively low part of public school budgets by around 14%. Money often supports additional programs for vulnerable students, such as the McKinney-Vento program for homeless students or title I for low-income schools.

The demonstrators meet during a demonstration at the headquarters of the Ministry of Education, Friday March 14, 2025, in Washington. (AP photo / Mark Schiefelbein)

The demonstrators meet during a demonstration at the headquarters of the Ministry of Education, Friday March 14, 2025, in Washington. (AP photo / Mark Schiefelbein)

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Colleges and universities depend more on Washington's money, thanks to research subsidies as well as federal financial assistance that helps students pay their tuition fees.

The Republicans have spoken of the closure of the Department of Education for decades, saying that he was wastes taxpayers' money and inserts the federal government into decisions that should fall into states and schools. The idea has gained popularity recently when groups of conservative parents demand more authority over their children's education.

In his platform, Trump promised to close the department and send it back to the United States, where it belongs. Trump threw the department as a home of radicals, fanatics and Marxists who monitor their scope with advice and regulations.

At the same time, Trump relied on the education department to promote the elements of his program. He used investigative powers of the civil rights office and the threat of withdrawing funding from federal education to target schools and colleges that fall under his orders on transgender athletes participating in women's sports, pro-Palestinian activism and diversity programs.

Even some of the Trumps allies have questioned its power to close the agency without action in the congress, and there are doubts about its political popularity. The room considered an amendment to close the agency in 2023, but 60 Republicans joined the Democrats to oppose it.

During Trumps' first mandate, the former education secretary, Betsy Devos, sought to considerably reduce the agency's budget and asked the Congress to bring together all the financing of kindergarten in the 12th year in block subsidies which offer states more flexibility in the way they spend federal money. He was rejected, with a repression of certain Republicans.


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