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This year, interior construction companies focus more on “survival” than ever. It is..

This year, interior construction companies focus more on “survival” than ever. It is..



The employees of the Samsung C&T construction division take commemorative photos after the completion of the Mangilao solar energy production installation in Guam.
The employees of the Samsung C&T construction division take commemorative photos after the completion of the Mangilao solar energy production installation in Guam.

This year, interior construction companies focus more on “survival” than ever. Indeed, construction costs due to the increase in raw material prices, the worsening of the presale market, the lack of housing supply, the increase in presale prices and the narrowing of real estate financing (financing of the project and PF) are by hand. In fact, large construction companies, including Shindonga Construction, Sambu Construction and Angang Construction, have requested business rehabilitation procedures (court management) after the others since the start of the year.

For the moment, the construction industry plans to strengthen management on the basis of orders selected on the internal market this year and to focus on preserving profitability through this. In addition, the diversification of the profits structure should lead to difficulties. It is the strategy to actively enter new companies and foreign markets based on the potential of K E&C.

An example is that they jump into semiconductors of artificial intelligence (AI), data centers and small modules (SMR) reactors. In the field of ecological energy, such as solar energy, wind energy and hydrogen, profits are also made by entering markets abroad or by cooperating with foreign companies.

Samsung E&A (formerly Samsung Engineering) has resumed a participation in a Norwegian hydrogen company and began to enter the global green hydrogen market. The company recently acquired a 9.1% participation in “Nell”, based in Norway, for $ 33 million (around 47.6 billion won) and signed a partnership agreement for strategic collaboration. He has become Nell's largest shareholder.

Thanks to this cooperation, Samsung E&A plans to develop an integrated technological solution for hydrogen production factories. Based on this, it plans to direct the market for green hydrogen factories and extend its scope to companies that install and operate electrolytic tanks.

Hyundai Engineering & Construction makes a new leap forward for the next generation of nuclear power plants. He signed an agreement with Holtech of the United States for SMR development and business progression together. Together, SMR, the dismantling of nuclear power plants and the construction of temporary storage facilities for the worn nuclear fuel will be promoted. To this end, we started in a detailed design work on the standard Holtech SMR model. The SMR-300, which was designed, will be the first to be deployed on the site belonging to the Palisades nuclear power plant.

The Hyundai Engineering & Construction nuclear nuclear power plant project is gaining momentum thanks to the alliance between Seoul and Washington. An example is that the “Hyundai Construction and Holtech” team has signed a cooperative contract with the Ukrainian nuclear energy energy to build SMR to rebuild Ukraine's energy infrastructure.

The Samsung C&T construction sector quickly reorganizes its activities around the low carbon energy and guarantees a leader in ecological energy on the world market. The plan is to develop a wide range of energy -related companies such as solar energy, hydrogen and SMR and to establish themselves as “suppliers of energy solutions”.

The company is currently working on the largest solar energy project in Qatar. The project, commissioned by Qatar Energy, has an electricity production capacity of 875 MW on 1,400 football fields. Once finished, it is a world class scale that can provide power to around 1.5 million households. After completion, the electricity will be provided to the installations linked to the energy of Qatar and to the national electrical network.

GS Engineering & Construction has made remarkable achievements in Australia, an advanced construction market, with its technological prowess and recognized performance capacities. The first entry of GS Engineering & Construction on the Australian Infrastructure Construction Market, Nel (North East Link) Road Construction, was on the right track with the start of the construction of the tunnel drilling machine (TBM) last year. In November, he won an order for the construction of the suburban railway loop tunnel (SRL) and managed to establish a solid presence on the Australian construction market.

Daewoo Engineering & Construction was selected as bidders selected for the Turkmenistan mineral fertilizer factory factory last year and progressed in the diversification of its portfolio abroad by obtaining the approval of investors for the project of the “new city of Kienjiang” in the province of Taibin, Vietnam. It will continue to progress in real estate development activities in Asia, North America and Africa and will further strengthen its NLP, port and highly competitive nuclear power plants to improve its constitution in order to reach 70% of long -term sales.

DL E&C is about to finish the Karian dam on a tributary of the Chiujung river, about 70 km southwest of Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. With a length of 516 m and a height of 63 m, it can store up to 300 million tonnes of water. The third the third, then the president of Indonesia, Joko Widodo visited the construction site in January of last year.

POSCO E&C actively establishes partnerships with specialized technological companies to strengthen its offshore wind energy production activity. Representative, various agreements have been signed with the Norwegian state energy company Equinor and DNV, the world's wind certification company.

A panoramic view of the apartment
A panoramic view of the apartment “The Bora 3170” built by Bando Construction in Los Angeles, USA.

Bando Construction shapes a new paradigm of residential culture with its first residential and commercial complex project, “The Bora 3170”, which began in the Korean city of Los Angeles, the first Korean construction company to do so on the American housing market.

[Reporter Seo Jinwoo]




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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