Donald Trump approval note: Donald Trump's approval rating in the country's most specific survey, signaling a major change in public opinion; Here's what's wrong and what's going on then

According to Atlasintel, the country's most precise survey company, Donald Trump's approval rating has dropped considerably. Economic uncertainty and controversial pricing policy decisions seem to weigh on public opinion.
While the American president faces critical challenges, his approval ratings could fluctuate even more in the coming weeks.
Why is Donald Trump's approval of approval down? According to an Atlasintel survey of 2,550 respondents made between March 7 and March 12, Donald Trump currently has a 47% approval rating and a 52% disapproval rating for his performance at work. The survey's margin of error was +/- 2 percentage points. This is a decrease in relation to the previous atlasin surveys carried out in January and February, which showed that 50% of respondents approved Trump's professional performance and 50% have disapproved. Why is the notation of approval important? During the 2024 elections, the experienced sounder Nate Silver said that Atlasintel was the most precise survey company. Live events SAS Donald Trump negotiates his second term as president and is preparing for future political conflicts, his approval rating is a crucial gauge of his political force. A change in its number could have an impact on its ability to advance its program, to win republican legislators, and to change the political climate before the mid-term elections. According to the Newsweek average of the ten most recent surveys, Trump has a net approval rating of -3 points, with a 47% approval rating and a 50% disapproval rating.
Compared to March 14, when the Newsweek tracker placed the Trump approval rating in the negative territory, 47% of respondents renting the president's performance and 49% disapproving, which represents a lower net approval rating.
This followed a week in which its approval rating remained stable at 48%, with a brief summit of 49% on March 6.
He maintained his 48%disapproval rating, which had fallen at 47%on March 6, but was now 49%.
According to recent polls, Donald Trump's approval rating has dropped regularly.
The most recent YouGov / Economist survey of 1,532 registered voters, carried out between March 9 and 11, revealed that the Trump disapproval rating increased to 47% of 45% in a survey between February 23 and 25. Its approval rating increased from 48% to 47%.
In addition, an Emerson College survey conducted from March 8 to 10 revealed that Trump had an approval of 47% and a 45% disapproval, which was less than 48% and 43% of disapproval observed in early March, according to a Newsweek report.
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What do voters think about Donald Trump's economic policies? According to recent polls, one of the main reasons for Trump's decreasing support is the dissatisfaction of his management of the economy. More than half (54%) of respondents from the latest NBC News survey expressed their disapproval of President Trump's economic management, while 44% expressed their approval. In addition, 55% of voters criticize the treatment of inflation by the republican president and the cost of living, against 42% that support him.
Similar levels of dissatisfaction with Trump's economic management are obvious in the latest Atlasintel survey, where 48% of respondents said that its economic management had been “terrible” or “poor”, while 48% also said that it had been “good” or “excellent”. Voters were more critical of Trump's pricing policy (53%), inflation and the cost of living (41%), the US economy (54%) and the current status of the job market (46%).
The latest Reuters / Ipsos survey has also shown this trend, with 57% of Americans, believing that Trump's attempts to disrupt the American economy, including its aggressive tariff policy, have been too erratic.
According to a Reuters / Ipsos survey, 61% of participants said that Trump's absolute priority should be upward prices, and 70% of respondents said they expect higher prices to make grocery store and other more expensive daily purchases, such as the city a Newsweek report.
According to the latest CNN survey, 61% of respondents were not satisfied with the management of prices by Trump, while only 39% were favorable. According to the same survey, 44% of participants approve of its management of the economy, while 56% disapprove of.
With more disapproving people than approval of his professional performance, Trump currently has a net negative approval of -3 points. It follows a week during which its approval rating, as measured by the Average of Newsweek, remained constant at 48%, reaching a summit of 49% on March 6. In addition, its disapproval rating remained largely 48%, falling at 47% on March 6. Now it's fifty percent.
The next step for Donald Trumps approval figures? The result of important events, such as crucial negotiations on the Russian-Ukraine war, climbing the tariff war with nations like Canada, and is worried about an American recession, will probably affect Trump's approval rating in the coming weeks.
For the moment, data suggest that Americans are increasingly concerned about the economy. While Trump retains a large support basis, his drop in approval indicates potential difficulties when he sails on economic turbulence and international relations.
FAQSWHY is the notation of Donald Trump's approval? Trump’s approval rating has dropped due to the concerns about inflation, the cost increase and the disputed tariff policies. Many voters believe that its economic decisions are increasing the cost of living.
How do Donald Trump's economic policies affect his approval? Many Americans criticize Trump treatment of inflation and prices, fearing that they would say higher prices. Its trade policies with Canada, Mexico and China have particularly aroused concern.
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Sources 2/ https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/us/donald-trumps-approval-rating-nosedives-in-nations-most-accurate-poll-signaling-major-shift-in-public-opinion-heres-whats-gone-wrong-and-what-happens-next/articleshow/119215277.cms The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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