Prabowo wants Batang Industopolis to be Shenzhen in Indonesia

Jakarta. President Prabowo Subaianto said Thursday that he wanted Batang Industopolis in the center of Java to be tied with Shenzhen in China, which has acquired global recognition as a major investment destination.
Prabowo officially launched the Batang Industopolis, which has already participated in the operation in 2022, as a new Special Economic Zone (ZES) in Indonesia. The industrial succession, which has a total development zone of 4,300 hectares, has so far attracted 27 investors with investments reaching 17.95 rpworms ($ 1.1 billion).
The government will grant incentives ranging from easier license processes to corporate tax deductions for companies that have set up production factories in these ZES. While Indonesia is trying to attract investors for greater economic growth, Prabowo wants to transform Batang into “Shenzhen of Indonesia”. He granted the former president Joko “Jokowi” Widodo Credit for having laid the foundations for the beginnings of Sez de Batang Industopolis.
“I would like to thank my predecessor, Mr. Joko Widodo. His leadership and all the work that his ministers had done gave us a solid base to have a [special economic] Zone that will be Shenzhen in Indonesia, “Prabowo told Batang.
It is not surprising that Prabowo shouted in Jokowi. Aside from industrialization, the ZES were in the centerpiece of Jokowi's economic policy while the businessman who became a politician spared no effort to court international investors. Jokowi established more than 20 ZES in a decade after having become president. Batang became the first Zes that Prabowo has launched since his assumed Power last October.

The developer of the industrial park, Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang (KITB), has signed a memorandum of understanding with China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC). The agreement specifically revolves around the so-called cooperation of the economic corridor of “two countries, twin parks”, which has become a subject of discussion when Prabowo met his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in November. The two leaders agreed at the time to promote the “two countries, twin parks” to strengthen the bilateral partnership.
According to the main minister Airlangga Hartarto, the KitB's freshly signed understanding protocol includes investment commitments from 20 Chinese companies for projects that extend over 500 hectares. Indonesia hopes that the China Agreement will be able to help the ZEs register at least 60 billions of investment RP in the next four or five years.
“Shenzhen will become a model for Batang. … This project will be a memory of the 75 years of diplomatic relations in Indonesia-China,” said Airlangga.
Seven companies have already participated in operations in Batang Industopolis. Seven projects are still under construction, while 13 investors are already underway. So far, ZES has opened job opportunities for 7,008 people.
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