The president inaugurated the Batang Industopolis Kek, the investment target of 75.8 Billions of the IDR

Batang: President PRABOWO SUBIANTO inaugurated the Special Economic Zone Industry (KEK) Batang, Central Java, Thursday, March 20, 2025. This field should increase investments up to RP75.8 Billion over the next five years and create millions of jobs for the inhabitants of Indonesia.
President Prabowo officially opened the SEZ of Batang Industopolis in Batang Regency, Central Java. The presence of this region should become a driving force for the new industries in Indonesia and accelerate the transformation of the national economy by ignition and industrialization.
In his remarks, President Prabowo expressed his appreciation to all the parties that had contributed to the development of this field. He also awarded a special prize at the 7th President Joko Widodo who had laid the foundations for the development of this special economic field.
“Once again, I want to express their appreciation to my predecessor, the seventh president of the Republic of Indonesia Pak Joko Widodo because under his direction and also made by his ministers, strong foundations of all the preparations have been built so that today Indonesia has a region which, we hope, will later be able to become Shenzhen Indonesia,” said Prabowo today Metro Siang Metro TV Thursday March 20, 2025.
The president also stressed that national development is a long journey which must be made on a continuous basis. He stressed that Indonesia must be courageous to learn from countries that have managed to develop their industrial and economic sectors.
Encourage investment and international cooperation
President Prabowo said that the Batang industry ZES was clear proof of the gravity of the government to encourage industry investments and down in Indonesia. He said that Indonesia was open to investment inside and outside the country while offering advantages to the inhabitants of Indonesia.
“I met President Xi Jinping several times from China to strengthen cooperation between the two countries. Indonesia must be a friendly country with all parties, with foreign policies that focus on good relations and mutually beneficial cooperation,” said Prabowo.
He also underlined the government's plan to create up to eight million jobs over the next five years as part of downstream strategy and industrialization.
National development optimism
In his speech, President Prabowo stressed that although there were parties who doubted or tried to weaken the spirit of development, the government remained determined to bring Indonesia to a better future.
“We will continue to move forward to build a brilliant future. Let the dog bark, we continue to move forward. I am proud to see this extraordinary work and to invite all parties to continue to contribute to the progress of the nation,” he said.
The inauguration of the Batang Industopolis Kek was closed by a symbolic ceremony by President Prabowo, accompanied by the Minister of Coordination of the Economy, the Governor of the Java Center, representatives of China, as well as related civil servants. The government hopes that this field will become a national industry growth center which can bring a positive impact on the Indonesian economy.
(Tamara Sanny)
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