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PM Modi to visit Sri Lanka after attending Bimstec Summit in Bangkok

PM Modi to visit Sri Lanka after attending Bimstec Summit in Bangkok



New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi should visit Sri Lanka from April 4 to April 6 after attending the Bimstec (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) summit in Thailand, learned Theprint. It will be his fourth trip to Sri Lanka, and potentially his longest.

In the past, Modi has transformed Sri Lanka for a short day, or at most two days, in 2015, 2017 and 2019.

The Indian Prime Minister was invited to visit Sri Lanka by President Anura Kumara Dissanayake. As part of its official program, it is likely to inaugurate a solar power plant in the district of Sri Lankas Trincomalee, which will indicate the intention of Sri Lankas to remain open to the affairs of India, despite the challenges following the Adani group Withdraw from a renewable energy project in the island country last month.

Controversial projects in northern Sri Lanka, whose conglomerate was a part, faced a certain number of challenges, following Colombos, the intention to renegotiate the power purchase agreements signed by the previous administration.

The Modis visit to Sri Lanka arrives around three months after Dissanayke visited India in December 2024. The Sri Lankan president had official commitments in New Delhi, and also traveled to the Bodh Gayaa Key Buddhist Pilgrimage Site and offer prayers to the Mahabodhi Temple.

It was Dissanaykes First visit abroad After winning the presidential elections last September. A certain number of discussions have taken place between the two leaders covering the entire range of links, in particular on maritime security issues, the question of the arrest of Indian fishermen by the Sri-Lankan authorities, the rights of Tamils ​​and energy links.

India is concerned about the growing number of Chinese research ships, which can collect dual -use data for civil and military issuance of the Indian Ocean. In the past, these ships had accosted in ports of Sri Lanka before the previous administration led by Ranil Wickremesinghe published a one-year moratorium, prohibiting all research ships from using Sri Lankan ports from January 1, 2024.

Although there was no word from the prolonged moratorium, Dissanayake assured New Delhi that Sri Lankan territory will not be used in a prejudicial manner to India.

Before Sri Lanka's trip, Modi will be in Bangkok for the sixth summit of Bimstec leaders, which should take place on April 3 and April 4.

There, the Prime Minister is likely to meet the acting chief adviser from Bangladesh Muhammad Yunus On the sidelines, as reported by Theprint last month. The two leaders have not yet organized a bilateral meeting since Yunus took charge of the interim government in Dacca last August, after the ouster of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

(Edited by Mannat Chugh)

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