Revanth Reddy vs Tollywood again? FIR against 25 actors for advertisements of Paris Applications

Renowned actors Rana Daggubati, Prakash Raj, Vijay Devarakonda and Manchu Lakshmi are among the 25 celebrities who face a police case in Telangana for having allegedly promoted illegal Paris applications. The FIR was filed after a businessman, Phan the Sarma, filed a complaint.
Celebrities and influencers named in the FIR also include Pranetetha, Nidhi Agarwal, Ananya Nagalla, Siri Hanuminthu, Sreemukhi, Vasanthi Krishnan, Shoba Shetty, Amrutha Chowdary, Nayani Pavani, Neha Pathan, Patu, Padhmavathi, Imran Khan, Vishnu Priya Harsha Sai, Sunny Yadav, Shyamala, tasty Teja and Bandaru Sheshayani Supritha.
The FIR indicates that these platforms promote their applications and websites via advertisements on social networks with the help of celebrities and influencers. “Thousands of lukhs of rupees are involved in these illegal platforms and also lead many families in distress, in particular that of the middle class and the lower middle class,” he adds.
The complainant said that people were actively using these applications and that many have lost their money hard. He said he was also about to deposit on one of these websites, but fell back after his family warned him. The complainant said that several celebrities and influencers were actively promoting these illegal Paris applications after accepting enormous sums and remuneration. “These platforms encourage the public, especially people who have an urgent need, to invest their hard and family money in these applications / websites and slowly strengthen, which leads to total financial collapse,” said the FIR.
The FIR was deposited in the sections of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita linked to cheating and relevant sections of the Information Technologies and States Laws.
Reacting to the FIR, actor Prakash Raj said he appeared in such an announcement “in 2015”. “We retired after a year,” he said, adding that he was trying to obtain detailed information on the case.
The case against some of the best celebrities in Telugu cinema is expected to increase the storm, especially because it occurs months after the Telangana police arrested Allu Arjun. The actor was arrested in December after the death of a woman in chaos during the first of Pushpa 2: the rule in a cinema in Hyderabad. Allu Arjun had attended the first and the crowd became uncontrollable to see it. Police had argued that the actor's appearance during the first was not planned and that no security agreement had been taken to manage the rush.
The actor's arrest had sparked a massive row, arousing criticism from the political rivals of the Congress and key votes from the film industry. In the middle of the tumult, the chief minister Revanth Reddy had met a delegation of filmmakers and actors and told them that even if the government of the State is held with the fraternity of the film, there will be no compromise on the law and the order.
Sources 2/ https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/case-against-25-celebrities-for-endorsing-betting-apps-in-telangana-7966228 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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