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Lunatic: prevails over the long history of abused judges who oppose him | Donald Trump News

Lunatic: prevails over the long history of abused judges who oppose him | Donald Trump News



US President Donald Trump has doubled his criticism of a federal judge, calling him a radical to block the expulsion of Venezuelan migrants, while his administration increases rhetoric against the courts.

Trump called on Judge James Boasberg on Tuesday, accusing him of putting the United States in danger. We do not want vicious, violent and denied criminals, many of whom disturbed the murderers, in our country, Trump posted on Truth Social on Tuesday.

Boasberg, who sits at the Washington District Federal Court, DC, has been attacked since he made an order to block expulsion flights on Saturday.

The Trump administration was accused of ignoring Boasberg's orders by sending several planes transporting Venezuelan migrants to Salvador prisons for rights violations. Trump invoked the law on extraterrestrial enemies of 1798, an obscure law intended to target nationals of an enemy nation in wartime.

The courts blocked several of Trumps' executive orders in the middle of little resistance from the Congress controlled by the Republican, attracting the anger of the civil servants.

The Attorney General Pam Bondi accused the judge of interference in our government while the press secretary of the White House, Karoline Leavitt, believes that the judges act as judicial militants.

The American president on his part called Boasberg a radical left madman appointed by [former president] Barack Hussein Obama.

The chief judge of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, criticized the calls for the dismissal of judge Boasberg, but that did not prevent Trump from attacking the judge. The American president was also unleashed in Roberts, suggesting that the Supreme Court itself was compromised by political prejudices.

The last rhetoric is only one in a series of attacks that Trump launched against the judges and the courts which dispute his policies or hold him responsible in the affairs brought against him.

Why did Trump and the officials of his administration compete with the judiciary? There is a disturbing diagram of Trump attacking the judges and the courts in the past. Let's take a look.

A model of attacks?

The outrage of the courts predates its presidency, but has reached new levels during its mandate. Usually, if a decision went against him, the judge was tried by biased Trump, incompetent or part of a left -wing conspiracy.

One of the first examples came in 2016 when Trump, then presidential candidate, attacked the American district judge Gonzalo Curiel, who supervised the proceedings against fraud against his Trump university, now missing. Trump suggested that Curiel was not able to preside over the case because of his Mexican heritage, calling him a hateful and implying that he could not be just due to Trump's position on immigration. The attack led to a widespread conviction.

Once in the White House, Trump continued to fight the judiciary. In 2017, when judge James Robart published a temporary block on his travel ban targeting the Muslim majority countries, Trump described him as so-called judge and accused him of having endangered national security.

In 2018, Trump nicknamed the judge of the American Court of Appeal for the ninth circuit Jon Tigar, an Obama judge after deciding that an immigrant could claim asylum, no matter where she entered the country.

The same year, Trump attacked the judiciary after a court of appeal in California prevented his administration from deporting young immigrants protected as part of an Obama era program.

Trump did not hesitate to also aim for the Supreme Court when he ruled against him.

He was exasperated when the court rejected his attempts to reverse the results of the 2020 elections. Trump continues to believe that his presidential election in 2020 was stolen. In particular, he turned against the chief judge Roberts, describing him as shame and a disappointment.

Have his attacks on the judiciary increased after the end of his first mandate?

While legal disorders rose after the end of his presidency in 2020, his attacks on judges have become even more personal. Faced with multiple accusation acts ranging from electoral interference to commercial fraud, Trump often went to social networks to condemn judges supervising his business.

In his New York civil fraud case, where he was tried responsible for strengthening his net value, Trump described judge Arthur Engoron as a disarticulated and a democratic agent on the radical left of Trump. He made fun of his clerk of social networks, claiming that he was politically biased and corrupt, which caused a gag prescription.

Despite the restriction, Trump did not hold back.

In his case of interference of the federal elections, chaired by judge Tanya Chutkan, Trump qualified her as very biased and unjust, and suggested that she was there to obtain it. His verbal assaults led the prosecutors to assert that his rhetoric endangered the judicial process and potentially encouraged threats against judges and staff of the court.

Chutkan warned Trump not to make inflammatory statements before the first hearing.

The defense of your customers is supposed to occur in this courtroom, not on the Internet, lawyers in Trumps told CHUTKAN, adding that the more anyone who made inflammatory statements on the case, the greater his urgency to quickly move the case to trial.

Trump also attacked the judges of the Supreme Liberal Court, in particular Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

In 2020, Trump demanded that the two judges challenge themselves in involving cases, accusing them of bias, especially after Sotomayor criticized frequent Trump administrations calls to the Superior Court to intervene in lower court decisions.

Trump went to Twitter, who later became X, calling very inappropriate Sotomayor's remarks.

His animosity towards judge Ginsburg was even more pronounced. Before his death in 2020, Ginsburg had publicly criticized Trump in his 2016 campaign, calling him Faker and expressing his concern about his presidency.

Trump retaliated, calling it as a shame on the court and demanding that it resign. After his death, he faced a backlash for quickly appointed a conservative replacement, Amy Condey Barrett.

In 2020, Trump attacked Judge Amy Berman Jackson about the conviction of his long -term assistant Roger Stone in a temperament case. He said that the jury of stones was tainted with anti-Trump biases. The case symbolized political interference in high -level cases while Trump used social media to question judicial equity. Stone was pardoned in December 2020 at the end of Trumps' first term.

Trumps Rhetoric not only deepened skepticism towards the judiciary among his supporters, but also embraced some to harass judges and their families. For example, judge Juan Merchan, who chairs Trump New York's criminal species, received death threats and his court was flooded hostile communications after public criticism of the win.

Former federal judge J Michael Luttig called vicious rhetorical trumps and an existential threat to the rule of law, warning that undermining judicial independence could have long -term consequences for American democracy.

His goal was to delegitimize these courts, said Luttig about repeated verbal attacks.

Trump administrations are fighting against the judiciary

Trump, however, does not seem discouraged. With its second booming mandate, experts say that Trump's anti-haired rhetoric and its officials, including its close billionaire Elon Musk, can cause a constitutional crisis.

Vice-president JD Vance was accused of having attacked judges who blocked some of the Trumps decrees. The judges are not allowed to control the legitimate power of executives, he wrote.

In agreement with Vance, the president of the room, Mike Johnson, said: the courts should step back and allow these processes to play.

A few days later, the White House press secretary Leavitt said that some of the Trumps Agenda blocking was illegal.

Musk, prevails over a powerful advisor, has criticized the judges in more than 30 publications on social networks since January. Last week, he called for the dismissal of a judge after the judge ordered that restoring web pages and health -related data games is rubbed on government websites.

The Ministry of Effectiveness of the Government (DOGE) led by muscles dismissed thousands of employees of the federal government and closed federal agencies, including the US Agency for International Development (USAID), as part of efforts to reduce costs. On Wednesday, a judge said that Musk and Doge had probably violated the constitution of the closure of the USAID.

Unprecedented rhetoric has alarmed legal experts.

As part of our system, so far, it has always been heard that it is the courts that decide whether the executive authority is legitimate or not, said Jeremy Paul, professor of law at the Northeastern University, at the Associated Press press agency.

The American president said he would not challenge the court. I am the courts. I have to follow the law, he said in the oval office on Wednesday. But the day before, he complained that the judges prevented his administration from arresting fraudulent public spending.

We want to eliminate corruption, and it seems difficult to believe that a judge could say that we don't want you to do this, he said. So maybe we have to look at the judges because I think it is a very serious violation.

The rhetoric of new administrations comes at least 60 court prosecutions have been filed on Trump's actions since he took office in January, slowing down his aggressive program, including the dismissal of thousands of federal employees to reduce expenses.

The law professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Claire Finkelstein, said that there was a concerted effort to try to throw judges as enemy.

The idea that he can start to withdraw the judges is fanciful, but he can make their lives so difficult that they may begin to resign. I think that is part of the attempt here, she added.

What is the process to dismiss American judges?

In the midst of a refrain to dismiss the judges, legal experts say that it is not an easy process. House members may deposit articles of dismissal against a judge.

The congress can accommodate a judge if the room orders a simple majority. Once the article has been eliminated, he went to the Senate for trial. A majority of two thirds are required to condemn a judge in the upper house of the congress.

Eli Crane, a republican representative of the Chamber, filed articles against the American district judge Paul Engelmayer, who blocked access to Doges in the Department of Treasury Payment Systems.

At least 15 judges were dismissed in American history.




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