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Donald Trump's approval rating becomes negative in another survey

Donald Trump's approval rating becomes negative in another survey



President Donald Trump's approval rating became negative in another survey published on Wednesday. Experts told Newsweek where his problem could come from.

Newsweek contacted the White House to comment by e-mail.

Why it matters

Trump's approval rating experienced a longer honeymoon period this time compared to his first time in power, but the polls suggest that his support consists in seeing cracks in the midst of a growing reaction to policies such as prices and the dismissal of federal workers, as well as the Americans who blame themselves for the current state of the economy.

Its approval is a major indicator of its popularity and its political strength before the next political battles and that the Republican Party is preparing for the mid-term when the Democrats hope to take seats in the House of Representatives and in the Senate.

What to know

The new survey of Yougov and The Economist, which questioned 1,618 adults from March 16 to March 18, 2025, showed that Trump's approval was underwater for the first time in a month.

Fifty percent of the respondents declared disapprove of Trump's work, compared to 45% of those who said they still approved his second term.

Earlier in March, a Yougov / The Economist survey showed that Trump's approval to a net zero, with 47% of respondents saying everyone they approve and disapprove of their professional performance. This survey questioned 1,699 adults from March 9 to March 11, 2025.

President Donald Trump delivered his speech to a joint session of the Congress at Capitol Building in Washington, DC on March 4, 2025. President Donald Trump pronounces his address to a joint session of the Congress at Capitol US Capitol in Washington, DC on March 4, 2025. Win McNamee / Getty Images

National security has remained the strongest problem of Trump, 51% of respondents saying that they approve of his management of the issue. At 50% approval, immigration followed, while crime ranked third with 48% approval for Trump.

The Americans are the least impressed by the treatment of inflation by Trump, according to the survey, which revealed that only 42% of respondents declared to approve it on this issue. Meanwhile, 43% approved its management of the reform of criminal justice and 44% each approved to him on foreign policy and education.

Chandler James, professor of political science at Oregon University, told Newsweek that he was not surprising that Trump's approval has dropped, highlighting prices and the government's efficiency department (DOGE) as key issues that could lead to support.

“The period after [presidents] are inaugurated until the first 100 days are often described as the honeymoon period. This is a period when the Americans rallied to the president and are most favorable to their agenda following an election, “he said.

Trump's support has always been concentrated among the conservatives, and his “polarizing political style” has not been linked to the Democrats and many moderates, so Trump generally has a “lower” ceiling that many presidents across history, said James.

His prices on imports from Canada and Mexico create “uncertainty” among American consumers, who consider the cost of living as the most important problem that the country is confronted, “he said.

“These prices increase the prospects of increased inflation,” he said. “I think that has probably had the most significant effect in terms of decreasing its popularity.”

Other polls have also shown a drop in Trump approval in recent weeks, a News News survey showing a majority of Americans disapproving of its presidency for the first time this week.

Independent Fuel Slip of the notation of Trump approval

The survey revealed that the opinions of the self -employed on Trump feed the drop in its approval rating.

In the previous survey in March, Trump's approval was at -5 with the crucial voting block, with 46% disapproving and 41% approval.

The last survey, however, shows that the number had fallen at -17, with 37% saying that they approve Trump, and 54% disapproving.

What people say

Nate Silver, in an article from March 13 to X about her Trump approval tracker: “It becomes a reasonably fast drop. We launched last week, and Trump approval was +0.5, now it was -1.7.”

The journalist G. Elliott Morris in a subordinate position: “The change against Trump on the economy is important because (a) It is a big decision in public opinion and (b) it is a change of atmosphere, a change in the way in which the two people, but especially the media, understand the opinion of it which prevails the future electoral conditions.”

What happens next

Trump approval will likely continue to fluctuate in the coming weeks. The factors that affect its approval could include if inflation cools down a bit, if the prices come into force and how negotiations on the Russian-Ukraine war are taking place.




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