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No objection if the court publishes Imran Khan, says a PMS assistant

No objection if the court publishes Imran Khan, says a PMS assistant



The PML-N leader and PM advisor to political and public affairs Rana Sanaullah (left) and the founder of PTI Imran Khan. App / reuters / file

The coalition government led by the PML-N would have no objection if the court communicated imprisoned the founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-insaf, Imran Khan, said the adviser to the Prime Minister of Political and Public Affairs Rana Sanaullah on Thursday.

Development comes as the main opposition party, the PTI is preparing to protest nationally after Eid Ul Fitr against what the former ruling party has said is a stolen mandate, to restore the supremacy of the rule of law and the constitution and the liberation of political prisoners in the country.

In addition to that, the chief of Jamiat Ulema-E-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F), Maulana Fazlur Rehman, said last week that the Religo-Political Party planned to protest against the policies of federal governments after Eid, with the PTI.

During his interaction with journalists today, the PMS assistant said that the founder of the PTI was in prison because of the cases in which he had been sentenced.

The 71 -year -old cricket player who has become a politician has been behind bars since August 2023 after being reserved in multiple cases ranging from corruption to terrorism since his evidence of power via the motion without confidence in the opposition in April 2022.

Answering another question concerning the recent meeting at the camera of the national parliamentary committee, the former security tsar said that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Ali Amin Gandapur, had been invited to strengthen the capacity of the police and the CTD in the midst of terrorism incidents.

The year president, Ayaz Sadiq, summoned the high -level national meeting on the advice of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in the midst of growing terrorism incidents in the country in general and in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balutchistan in particular.

OMAR OMAR AYUB and PTI members jumped the high -level group. However, the KP CM CM was among the participants in Reunion. He attended the group as a representative of the province.

Major cases keeping Khan in prison


On March 27, 2022, Khan less than a month before his evidence in April 2022 via a motion without confidence by addressing a public rally agitated a letter before the crowd, saying that it was a figure of a foreign nation which had conspired with its political competitors to have the PTI government.

A few days later, he accused the United States of conspiracy against him and alleged that the deputy secretary of state of the time for the affairs of the South and Central Asia, Donald Lu, had asked for his move. The figure would have been on the former Pakistan ambassador to the United States meeting with Lu.

In August 2023, the Federal Investigation Agency filed a first information report (FIR) against Imran and Qureshi under the official secret law.

The judge of the Special Court Abul Hasnat Zulqarnain pronounced a sentence of 10 years each in Khan and Qureshi.

The IHC, however, canceled the conviction of PTI leaders in the figure case containing charges of improper use and storage of the diplomatic document classified in June 2024.

Iddat case

The founder of the PTI and his wife were sentenced to seven years in prison and granted a fine of 500,000 rupees each in February 2024, after a court of first instance discovered that their Nikah was fraudulent while Khawar Maneka, the ex-husband of Bushra, moved the court against the couple's marriage.

After months of their continuous legal misfortunes, Khan and his has obtained a lot of distribution as a district court and sessions in July 2024 accepted their pleadings requesting the cancellation of their conviction in the Iddat case.

Emphasizing Maneka's failure to prove his case against Khan and Bushra, the court said: “They [Khan and Bushra] are invited to be released immediately if you should not be detained in another case. “”

GHQ attack box

Khan, the founding president of PTI faces a series of cases, including those related to May 9 chaos across the country. Dozens of cases were deposited against Khan and the management of the PTI after the violent protests that shocked the country.

The May 9 riots were triggered almost across the country after the arrest of the fallen Prime Minister in the case of 190 million regulations. Hundreds of PTI workers and senior leaders were placed behind bars for their presumed involvement in violence and attacks against military facilities.

During the demonstrations, the disbelievers targeted civil and military installations, notably Jinnah House and the General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi. The army called on May 9 “Black Day” on May 9 and decided to try the demonstrators under the Army Act.

The founder of the PTI, but nevertheless blames the men of the criminal fire agencies and the shooting in certain regions during the violent demonstrations of May 9.

Toshakhana Case-I

The 70 -year -old cricket player who became a politician was accused of having abused his 2018 Prime Minister to 2022 to buy and sell gifts in the state possession that were received during visits abroad and worth more than 140 million rupees ($ 635,000).

The gifts included watches given by a royal family, according to government representatives, who previously alleged that Khan's aids had sold them in Dubai.

In addition, seven bracelet watches, six made by the watchmaker Rolex, and the most expensive of a “limited Master Graff edition” worth RS85 ($ 385,000), were also part of the gifts.

A reference was sent by the president of the National Assembly, Raja Pervez Ashraf to the Electoral Commission asking him to probe the question.

The electoral body then declared the former Prime Minister guilty of corruption practices and filed a complaint before a court in Islamabad.

On July 31, 2024, the Federal Capital Court of responsibility sentenced the former Prime Minister and his spouse to 14 years in prison with a rigorous sanction in the state of the state donations. In addition to this, the court disqualified the former Prime Minister for 10 years while putting a fine of Rs1.57 billion of 787 million rupees each to the couple.

He denoted Khan as a returned candidate of NA-45 KURRAM-L

190m Confidence al-Qadir

After having delayed the verdict three times, a court of responsibility of the federal capital, in January of this year, sentenced Pakistan Pakistan the founder of the PTI and his wife, Bushra Bibi, in the case of 190 million.

The judge of the court of responsibility, Nasir Javed Rana, pronounced a 14 -year sentence to the founder of the PTI and a sentence of seven years to his wife, while also made him heavy fines during a procedure held within a fortune court of the Adiala prison.

The founder of the PTI will have to pay a fine of RS1 million and his wife was slapped by a fine of 0.5 million rupees. In the event that they do not pay the fine, the former minister of the old one will serve six more months and Bushra three months.




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