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The vision of the guardian on the conservative party today: still lost in denial and confusion | Editorial

The vision of the guardian on the conservative party today: still lost in denial and confusion | Editorial



LAbour is in trouble in the polls. His spring economic declaration next week will probably be dark. Meanwhile, the Conservatives have a new ambitious leader and the local elections are only six weeks old. The situation should be full of promises for Kemibadenoch and his party. Instead, she treats the May elections not as a promise but as a threat.

Mrs Badenoch spear Thursday, the conservative campaign in hot weather in the spring. From her message, however, it seemed that she was driving her party to an electoral blizzard. If you apply the result of the 2024 general elections to the councils in the elections on May 1, she told supporters: we lose almost all. The competition, she repeated, would be very difficult.

The new conservative chef likes to consider himself an invoice of facts from which others are braid. And, probably, Mrs. Badenoch launches as a prophet of misfortune in part because she thinks that the results will actually be a little better than that. Nevertheless, it is an element of management of spectacular expectations of the time of an outfit that is still considers itself as a natural party of the British government.

It is true that the Conservatives did very well in 2021When Boris Johnson was still popular and the deployment of the cocvid vaccine had applauded the nation, so they are vulnerable this time. It is also true that the liberal democrats, supported by successes in conservative seats last July, hope repeat The tip in counties like the Buckinghashire, the Cornwall and the Wiltshire in May. And it is particularly true that Reform UK is high in the ballot box and should attract votes not only of the Conservatives but of the Alsox work.

However, the darkness of the launch speaks volumes about a party which is still, despite its catastrophic defeat last year, the main opposition party and the most likely alternative government. Usually, these can be important advantages to exercise in the middle of the long and often without joy of the opposition. But the deeper reality is that the conservatives still rush into politics and too divided, unable to humbly respond to the defeat of 2024, in the same way as when they proved to have been unable to have it beforehand after MRJOHNSON was forced.

Part of this is impossible to avoid. Even if Mrsbadenoch was a better leader and his party unification, the conservatives would always be deeply forced by having been 14 years old to solve problems for which they are now trying to blame the work. This week's approach to social assistance reform is a perfect example. Recent rows on asylum seekers and grooming gangs illustrate the name. Next week, this will happen on the economy.

We have no brief for the Conservatives. But here are some things that could help the party feel a little more relevant. He could be more honest about his failures, including Brexit. It could focus on policies aimed at rebuilding the credibility of conservatives among young people. He could focus on certain parts of his file from the government where he can claim achievements on net zero targets that Ms. Badenoch has just ransacked, perhaps, or school standards. And he could learn from the German conservative chief, Friedrichmerz. Being in opposition is not easy, especially after an experience like 2024 and what led him. To them, however, Ms. Badenoch did a bad job.

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