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Schez goes to China in April to meet Xi Jinping | Spanish

Schez goes to China in April to meet Xi Jinping | Spanish



The president of the government, Pedro Schez, meets next month in April in China with the president of this step, Xi Jinping, in a visit to Asia which also includes a stop in Vietnam, while Bloomberg progressed this Thursday and was able to confirm this newspaper. The trip is made from April 8 to 12.

Schez is one of the European LDERES that worked on the relationship with China, one of the passes he visited. The last one was very recent, in September 2024. The Spanish president is still looking for the Chinese XI in Las Cumbres, where they generally have bilaterals still on good terms. The last trip initiated with significant tension, before the threat of China to reprisals to Spain, opposing the entrance to the entrance to porcine meat if the European Unin maintains prices to Chinese Elctrical Cars.

Schez made a defense on Chinese cars during his trip and encouraged its European partners to rethink these prices. Finally, spa has changed the initial vote it had in this question and has passed the prices in an abstention, a decision that has for China to change its attitude with Madrid and increases the threat to the Spanish pig. Schez insists a lot on the idea that, given the American attitude to close each time and multiply the prices, the European Unin must look for alternatives because it links with Mercosur, with Chile, with Mexico, with Canada and with India. China, as well as Vietnam, another part of the trip, are also one of those lets with which Schez wants to strengthen relations to seek alternatives in the United States, although it is always a delicate question about the huge commercial disorders that the Asic Giant has with the European Unin.

During her last trip, Schez has already asked China to open the market in this country to Europeans when they open it to the Chinese, which does not happen today. But the gesture of preparing a new trip clearly shows that Schez wants to strengthen the links with a giant with which there are many trade tensions and that it also has a completely different model from Europe in the fundamental questions of democracy and human rights, but that at the same time on multilateralism, unlike Trump. The American president considers Pekn his main rival, almost an enemy, and, therefore, this trip to Sánchez also involves an indirect gap of the Trump administration.




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