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Indonesian soldiers cover the land in the administration with Prabowo suffered

Indonesian soldiers cover the land in the administration with Prabowo suffered



Indonesia, the fourth not the most populated in the world, has taken a step on its democratic path. Parliament approved a change in the 2004 law, which regulates and restricts the presence of the armed forces in civil institutions. Unanimously, the deputies voted in favor of the reopening of the doors of four large areas of the military, such as the former general and the president Prabowo Subánto persecute.

Student and civil society organizations protest against what they describe as a resurrection of the new order, the military dictatorship which for thirty years directs the deceased Suharto, in the right of Pabowo. But this morning, the demonstrators against the parliament added only a few tens. The only concession obtained in his campaign against duplicate – secreted by 180 entities and thousands of signatures – is that the active army will not be able to occupy a civil post.

The institution where the entry of uniforms – active or not – appears to be higher is that of the general treasury of the State. They can also opt for positions from the Ministry of Fishima and Martimos Affairs and border management agencies, anti-terrorism and a response to natural disasters.

Critics with the new president claim that this, in fact, had already started to appoint former subordinate to positions of responsibility in these departments. Likewise, the most agitated sectors of Indonesian society deplore the secret with which the amendments were made, which had already been raised when Pabowo was Minister of Defense. The debate resumes with more force after taking possession as president five months ago.

From Friday to the Sbado past, all the deputies were invited to a five -story Yakarta hotel to listen to, behind closed doors, the arguments concerning the need for reform and to close fringes. All this, in an eye on the geopolic challenges and in the preservation of the sovereign, according to the current Minister of Defense, Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin. Perhaps with an eye on the drift of the Philippines.


Displays against duplication, when the work does not get up, in alusine on the return of the army in several ministries.

Ajeng Dinar Ulfiana / Reuters

Several organizations denounce non -professional to provide positions of responsibility to the military, in areas outside their skills. Its presence also generates doubts on the chain of command to which they are subjects, civilians or military. One of the dictatorships of the dictatorship in the Archipinago is that the armed forces are not considered subordinate to the Minister of Defense. To disguise this impulse, Joko Widodo Cedi The portfolio of his old rival, the Exgeneral Pabowo, already without uniform. But that now requires more, from the presidency obtained in the polls.

Pabowo Suubianto, 73, was the commander under the command of special forces in the 1980s and ninety years -like his father -in -who -and excesses are attributed to the repression of independence in Eastern Timor and pro -democratic forces. In both cases, finally in vain. To wash your hands – and your face – Pabowo wants to be the Indonesian president who gave him the final thrust at the entrance to the independent Timor in the Association of Southeast Asic Nations (ASEAN). Probably this year.

On the other hand, Pabowo, aspires to open the range of Indonesian relations, whose economy increases approximately 5% per year, in accordance with China and India. For traditional naval maneuvers with the United States, Indonesia intends to add others, with all its neighbors, including China. The secretary of the Security Council of Russia, Sergui Shoig, visit Yakarta a few weeks ago, on the way to Kuala Lumpur.

The Indonesian government, in any case, promises that changes do not open the management of public enterprises to the military, as happens in the past and how the rule in Burma or Pakistn is practically. The model of democracy with Indonesian characteristics recommended by Pabowo seems closer to what ruled in Thailand until a few months ago, when the Bangkok Senate, chosen by the Military CPULA, was finally renewed.

Each of Cong San Suu Kyi, on the other hand, is no stranger to having demanded for the Burma puzzle a democracy a more free of military influence than in neighboring Thailand. Despite the greatest democratic mileage of this state, for the most homogeneous and exempt guerrillas.

The age of military jubilation is delayed

So far, there were officers who started a second professional life after retirement

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono joined 186 civil entities when they consider a political recording. This amendment bites its tail with another, approved in the same session, which delays the retirement age of the army.

This was postponed to 58 (satin soldiers), 60 (officers) and 63 (65, previous authorization of the government) for the generals. Early retirement – so far – was what allows many to close their professional scene in administration.

Pabowo, moreover, has appointed a dozen former officers and weapons such as ministers or vice-ministers. Two of them are still active soldiers, such as the secretary of the cabinet, Lieutenant-Colonel Teddy Indra Wijaya. In addition, General Novi Helmy Pasetya became responsible for the Military Academy to lead the State logostic agency.

It is, for some, a return of the military to the first political line, through the Porte d'Atr, with Pabowo in mind. To finish the jamming of the boundaries between uniforms and civilians, many of the high positions of the administration – both central AS – have been encouraged to receive training in military academies.

Pabowo Subianto won the elections last June, after being Minister of Defense of Chako Widodo, who had failed to defeat twice. The two efforts have finished making peace when they agreed that one of the children of Widodo – a traditional Javanese lite – would attend a certain number of pabowo to act as vice -president, in the case of Victoria, as was.

A formula similar to the two years observed before in the Philippines. When Ferdinand Marcos, son of the dictator Homnimal, agrees in the elections with Sara Duterte, daughter of the president, Rodrigo Duterte, as vice-president. An agreement that made waters, as evidenced by the former president Duterte was given last week to the International Criminal Court of The Hague, despite the fact that the Philippines withdraw his signature from the status of Rome makes AOs.




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