The United States rejects Mexico water demand while Trump opens a new battle front | American foreign policy

The United States has refused a request from Mexico for water, alleging deficits of sharing by his southern neighbor, while Donald Trump accelerates a battle on another front.
The State Department said on Thursday that it was the first time that the United States has dismissed a request from Mexico for special water delivery, which would have gone to the border city of Tijuana.
Mexico continued the deficits in its water deliveries under the 1944 water sharing treaty decimating American agriculture, in particular farmers in the Rio Grande Valley, the office of the departments of the state managing Latin America declared in a post on X.
The 1944 Treaty, which governs the water allowance of the Rio Grande river and Colorado, has been subjected to increasing pressure in recent years due to the pressures of the climate crisis and booming populations and agriculture in dry areas.
The treaty establishes five -year cycles for water deliveries, with the last set to end in October 2025.
Under the treaty, Mexico sends water from the rivers to the Rio Grande basin in the United States, which in turn sends Mexico from the Colorado river, further west. But Mexico has lagged behind in its water payments due to drought conditions in the arid north of the country.
American farmers and legislators complain that the neighboring country waited for the end of each cycle in the past and failed during the last period.
The treaty is very controversial in the south of the border, where Mexican farmers have trouble with intense drought in recent years.
A year ago, the last sugar mill in southern Texas closed its doors, accusing a lack of delivery of water from Mexico.
After 18 months of negotiations, the United States and Mexico concluded an agreement in November, a few days after the Trumps elections, to improve deliveries.
Haked then by the Biden administration, understanding calls on Mexico to work with the United States to deliver water more appropriately, including earlier in each five-year cycle.
Mexico president Claudia Sheinbaum said Thursday before the statement of the State Department that the water issue was dealt with through the two Boundary and Water Commission countries.
There was less water. That's part of the problem, she told journalists.
Tijuana, a sprawling city on the border with the American state of California which has become a manufacturing center, depends on the Colorado river for around 90% of its water and has undergone crew waste.
The Colorado river, also a large source of water for Los Angeles and Las Vegas, has seen its water level decrease due to drought and heavy agricultural consumption in the southwest of the United States, with about half of its water ranging from beef and dairy cattle.
In southern Texas, farmers have expressed fear for the future of cotton, citrus fruits and other agricultural products without more regular water deliveries on the other side of the border in Mexico.
Brooke Rollins, the American secretary of agriculture, announced on Wednesday 280 million dollars in rescue funds for farmers in Rio Grande Valley.
Texas farmers are in crisis because of the non-compliance of Mexico, wrote Ted Cruz Senator from Texas on X, praising the state decision of the state departments.
I will work with the Trump administration to put pressure on Mexico to comply and to bring water to Texas farmers.
The water dispute occurs while Trump adopts a difficult approach to Latin American countries, especially on migration.
Trump when he returned to his duties promised to end the arrivals of undocumented migrants, who come largely from Central America and Venezuela but transit through Mexico.
Trump has deployed troops on the border and announced painful prices on Mexico, although he has suspended them until April 2.
Sources 2/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/mar/20/tijuana-mexico-water-trump The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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