Marco Rubio clarifies the position of the prevailing on Taiwan

Crown jewel:
Washington can delay and dissuade Chinese President Xi Jinpings Plans for Taiwan, but this is a very delicate situation, said the Secretary of State
Editor, with CNA, Washington
US President Donald Trump is opposed to any change in Taiwans' status quo by force or extortion and maintain this policy, US Secretary of State Marco Rubio told Hugh Hewitt Show on Wednesday.
American policy is to maintain the status quo of taiwans and to oppose any change in the situation by force or extortion, said Rubio.
Hewitt questioned Rubio about Trump's importance earlier this month to speak with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing CO () CC Wei () in the White House, a meeting that Hewitt described as a big problem.

Photo: Reuters
When asked if the meeting was an indication of the American resolution to stand with Taiwan, Rubio said that Washingtons' policy on the issue remains the same as it has always been.
It is the policy of the United States. This remains the United States policy, said Rubio. It was President Trump's policy, and it will continue to be his policy. And when he makes political decisions, he means them.
Hewitt also asked if the United States could dissuade Chinese President Xi Jinping () from attacking Taiwan.
Washington can delay and dissuade by making the Taiwan taking up higher than this [Xi] According to the profit, said Rubio.
However, Xi wants the annexation of Taiwan to be a jewel of the crown of his ruling time, he added.
It is therefore a very delicate situation there, said Rubio. Our policy remains the same. We do not think that there should be a violent modification and / or based on the extortion of the status.
In addition, the US State Department said that the Chinas intimidation campaign against Taiwan is a threat to freedom of expression and a destabilizing factor in the Indo-Pacific region.
Twenty years after the passage of [Beijings] Anti-dialing right, the Chinese intimidation campaign has become global against Taiwan, and his supporters in the United States and worldwide, told a spokesperson for the department by e-mail in response to questions on Li Yanhe () based in Taiwan, the editor of Gusa Press (), who was sentenced last month to encourage a secession.
Chinas' intimidation campaign threatened freedom of expression, destabilized the Indo-Pacific region and eroded the standards that have taken out the cross quo for decades, the spokesman said.
The judicial guidelines issued by China last year, which are allegedly based on its anti-execution law and its criminal law, are draconians, electronic mail said. They order the Chinese courts and organizations responsible for the application of laws to continue and punish the so-called pure and hard of Taiwan's independence, including, in some cases, by the death penalty.
Faced with such provocative and irresponsible actions of China, the United States remains determined to maintain the ability to dissuade aggressive action and to resist any recourse to force or other forms of coercion that would endanger security, or the social or economic system, Taiwan inhabitants, he said.
The official also expressed his concern with regard to South Africa unilaterally amending the name of the Office Taiwans in the country.
Earlier this week, the current number of South Afras requires that the representative office of Taiwans will be relocated, while the South African Department of International Relations and Cooperation website renamed the Taipei liaison office as a Taipei sales office.
The United States encourages countries to extend its commitment to Taiwan, the spokesman said.
Taiwan is a reliable partner, sharing the same ideas and democrats, whose relations abroad provide important advantages to the citizens of these countries, they said.
While Taiwan remained a good partner, the threat that China poses to Taiwan has increased, they added.
China has sought to isolate Taiwan from the international community, in particular by pressure on countries to limit their commitment, said the spokesman.
When the controversy of the South African Bureau began in October of last year, the South African department said that the change was in accordance with the UN resolution 2758.
The resolution does not limit any sovereign capacity to engage with Taiwan, said the spokesperson.
Sources 2/ https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2025/03/21/2003833794 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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