Prince William arrives in Estonia to visit the British troops on the front line of the Russian assault
THE Prince of Wales happened Estonia For the start of a two -day visit to strengthen ties with Tallinn and show his support for the British troops keeping NATOS border with Russia.
Prince William started his trip on Thursday by sitting for talks in the capital Tallinn with the president of Estonies, Alar Karis, who was eminent among those who offer military equipment and political support to Ukraine.
William will mainly go to Estonia as a colonel -in -chief of the Mercian Regiment which takes care of NATO's defense tasks in the country of the Royal Dracoon Guards.
The second day of his visit, the Royal will travel to attend a transfer ceremony in Tapa army basewhich houses the greatest permanent deployment abroad UKS. There are around 800 British staff in total in Estonia.
William will meet the two soldiers of his regiment and Estonian troops based in Tapa, where the forces are parked ready to defend the eastern flank of Natos.
British forces are deployed in Estonia and Poland under Operation Cabrit, UKS's contribution to natos transmitting land forces in both countries. During a visit to Tapa in March 2022 only a few days after the invasion of Ukraine Russia, Prime Minister Boris Johnson told British troops that their deployment was fundamental To Natos security.
The Minister of Defense of Estonies, Hanno Pevkur, said ITV News Wednesday: the reality is that we cannot change our neighbor, our neighbor is very hostile to his neighbors. This is our answer to the way Russia is acting right now.
Williams' visit intervenes as major European nations, including the United Kingdom, prepare To intensify spending on their armed forces In response to the evolution of the world order inaugurated by US President Donald Trump.
Vladimir PutinRussia is considered a growing threat to the region after its three -year invasion of Ukraine, and the Baltic States bordering Russia Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia seem increasingly concerned about their neighbor.
After his interviews with Mr. Karis on Thursday, Prince William will also visit a school founded in May 2022 by the Ministry of Education and Research in Estonia to respond to the war in Ukraine.
He will meet teachers from Ukraine to hear about their experiences at school and how they helped students settle in Tallinn and take care of their mental well-being.
The prince founded his Earthshot prize to help recognize and develop solutions to repair the planet, and he will also attend an event to find out more about renewable energies startups.
A spokesperson for the Kensington Palace said: it will be an important meeting for the prince to highlight the strong bilateral relationship between the United Kingdom and Estonia.
The meeting also allows its Royal Highness the opportunity to applaud a strong support for Ukraine from the conflict with Russia.
This is also another example of the Prince of Wales representing the United Kingdom at the highest level on the world scene.
Additional reports by PA
Sources 2/ https://uk.news.yahoo.com/prince-william-arrives-estonia-visit-125747767.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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