To protect the environment is to protect productivity: XI

Beijing, China, March 20, 2025 (Globe Newswire) – Chinese President Xi Jinping, also secretary general of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and president of the Central Military Commission, participated in deliberation with his colleagues from the delegation of the National Province of Jiangsu during the third session of the 14th National Congress (NPC), of the Chinese National Press Agency national of the 14th.
As one of the six deputies who delivered a speech during the deliberation, Zhao Jianjun, a deputy for the NPC of the Jiangsu delegation and the mayor of Wuxi, explained how Wuxi, thanks to the green development and the transition with a low carbon emission, tried to build a magnificent Taihu lake, reported central television in China.
XI asked questions about the water quality of Lake Taihu when he joined the deputies of the Jiangsu delegation in 2023, Xinhua reported. He asked if the blue-green algae persisted in the lake, which made the water quality deteriorate severely.
The beauty of the lake is described in the song “Taihu Mei”, said Xi at the time. The words describe the natural resources of the lake and local life. However, the thought of blue-green algae feels uncomfortable, he said, reported Xinhua.
“Lake Taihu extends over several provinces in the Yangtze river delta. In recent years, we have joined an approach to ecological priority and green development, reaching the best quality of water in Taihu since there has been a surveillance record,” said Zhao, reported the people of the people.
Zhao said Wuxi will continue to take proactive measures and collaborate in development strategies of development integrated into the Yangtze river delta and the economic belt of the Yangtze river, more amplifying the ecological value of mountains and harmonious waters, as well as the interdependence of lake and city, stimulating improvements in the quality of water and the Algaux of Taihu year.
Each year during the two sessions, XI participates in deliberations and discussions with deputies and political advisers. In many interactions, XI shows great care for environmental protection and ecological conservation.
In 2014, while participating in a deliberation with the deputies of the Guizhou delegation, XI asked in detail the costs to fight against rocky desertification. The same year at the Guangdong delegation, he asked questions about 2.5 pm at Pearl River Delta and the water quality of the Dongjiang river.
In its deliberation during the two sessions in 2018, XI told its legislative colleagues in the internal indoor region of Mongolia to strengthen the protection of forests and wetlands, makes more efforts to fight against desertification and pollution, and build the “large green wall” in the northern border of the fatherland.
XI, in an article published in 2023 in the Qiushi newspaper, said that Chinese modernization is the modernization of harmony between humanity and nature. The promotion of harmonious coexistence between man and nature is a distinctive characteristic of Chinese modernization.
We have to engage in green development. The green mountains are golden mountains. Protecting the environment is protecting productivity and improving the environment is stimulating productivity, Xi said in the fight against the summit of climate leaders via the Beijing video link in 2021.
Beauty of Taihu
Lake Taihu, located mainly in the province of Jiangsu in eastern China, is the third largest freshwater in China and has fueled the southern jiangsu region of the population and industry.
The deputy for the NPC, Yang Hengjun, leader of the village party in the province of Jiangsu, clearly remembered March 5, 2023 when Xi joined the delegation discussions and asked questions about Lake Taihu.
In response to the special care of the secretary general, a deputy for Suzhou reported our efforts and our achievements in this regard, in particular the treatment of wastewater, and this year, the mayor Zhao has updated new progress that we have made – Lake Taihu has seen its quality of the water to improve at its best level in 30 years, told Yang to the Global Times.
In 2024, for the first time in three decades, the quality of the lake's average water reached grade III on the five -level water quality system in the country, which means that it was classified as “fairly good”, according to the Ministry of Ecology and the Environment of the Jiangsu province.
The biodiversity index for aquatic life in the lake has also improved at an “excellent” level, the number of species in the basin of 6,899, Xinhua reported.
Elder generations of Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou, three manufacturing cities adjacent to Taihu, still remember how it was poorly polluted. “When the blue-green algae boom [due to eutrophication]The tap water was so stingy that we cannot use it to wash or bathe, not to mention drinking and cooking: “Zhang Jingbo, a composer based in Wuxi, recalled the experience over ten years ago.
But it is completely different now because “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets” has integrated in different sectors and the daily life of people.
In the village of Yang, the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has reduced, certain household and agricultural waste is transferred to fertilizers, the treatment of wastewater is improved. The life environment of people has improved; Agriculture has become more respectful of the environment and organic products give more income than before.
The village has also developed photovoltaic projects and carried out energy self -sufficiency. All of these efforts have also increased public awareness to protect the environment and ecology, Yang said.
In the industry sector, high pollution factories have been closed and others are transformed to minimize the environmental impact, the Global Times learned.
Li Aimin, professor at the Environment School, at the University of Nanjing and expert on pollution control of Lake Taihu, said that the complete measures of the Global Times had been adopted, in particular the control of discharges, the reduction of targeted pollution upstream, differentiated ecological catering. The nucleus is to focus on ecological values, passing the passage from Lake Taihu from ecological restoration to green development, said Li.
Zhang, the composer, said that the lyrics of the famous song Go, “The beauty of Taihu lies in his water”. Now the water is clean and the wet areas are magnificent. For ordinary people, spending free time along the lake has become “such a pleasant thing”.
According to Li, Lake Taihu is about to become a paragon of green development, integrating the holidays of ecotourism and leisure, thus reaching harmony of ecological and economic value.
In a group study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee in 2024, XI stressed that green development underpins high quality development and that the new productive forces are in substance.
Image of harmony
To embrace green development, the best political advisory body of China has set up a new sector on the environment and resources in 2023 to pool wisdom for the transition from the country to a more environmentally friendly and sustainable path.
In 2024, XI participated in a joint group meeting during the second session of the 14th National Committee of the Political Consultation Conference of the Chinese People (CPPCC). XI has urged political advisers to the environment and resources sector to make new contributions to ecological and environmental protection and to maintain high quality development with high -level protection, according to Xinhua.
The history of Lake Ulan Suhai, in Bayannur de la Mongolie inner, is a living example of both high -quality development and high -level protection.
Since 2018, XI had given multiple instructions on the ecological management of Lake Ulan Suhai when he joined the delegations of the Autonomous Region of Interior Mongolia during the two sessions.
In an inspection in Bayannur in 2023, XI stressed that it is important to fully and precisely implement the new philosophy of development on all fronts, to adhere to holistic conservation and systematic governance of mountains, rivers, forests, agricultural lands, lakes, prairies and deserts, with the control of sand as objective and strengthening in the northern region.
In recent years, local authorities have actively sought the “deep causes” of pollution in Lake Ulan Suhai and developed “prescriptions” to remedy it, implementing a series of measures. For example, to combat pollution of the industrial discharge of wastewater, highly polluted pollution factories have been closed and wastewater treatment factories have been improved to ensure that all industrial wastewater are treated, with authorized release only after standards.
To combat pollution of agricultural irrigation, a complete initiative of “four controls and two transformations” has been largely launched, controlling fertilizers, pesticides, plastic films and the use of water, as well as the use of manure resources and the cattle blade.
The integrated measures “made a big difference” in my hometown, said Huang Jiangang, a local guide, the Global Times, adding that pollution has been approached, desertification is besieged by afforestation and that the lake has become Haven for Wildlife.
There are now more than 260 varieties of birds migrating and reproducing in the lake region. According to Xinhua.
The lake was little known by non-local, but now more and more tourists come for its picturesque views and various activities. Huang took the opportunity and has become a guide, and income is “beyond satisfaction”.
The concept of development of China in the pursuit of harmony between man and nature goes beyond anthropocentrism which favors human interests superior to those of the natural world. Thanks to the scientific coordination of various factors within the natural environment and human society, Chinese modernization has launched a new approach to achieve coordinated progress in eco-social development and environmental protection, Fang Jingyun, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and University Professor of Beijing, wrote on People's Daily.
This article appeared for the first time in the Global Times:
Company: Global Times
Contact person: Anna Li
Email: editor@globaltimes.com.cn
Website: https://globaltimes.cn
City: Beijing
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Sources 2/ https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2025/03/20/3046447/0/en/To-protect-the-environment-is-to-protect-productivity-Xi-emphasizes-human-nature-harmony.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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